How do I find my personal year?
Here is how you figure out your own personal number. It is the sum of your birthday month + your birth day + the current year. For example, if you were born: September 28, and the year is 2017, you would add 9+2+8+2+0+1+7 = 29. (2+9=11) (Remember if the numbers add up to a master number (11/22/33) do not reduce – they have a powerful vibration for you!). In this example, your personal year will be a master 11/2. The master 11 is a powerful vibration of inspiration and unique ideas that will move you and others to a new place. Being the 11/2 personal year, you are also looking at the theme of brilliant relationships (2) with another, in a romantic or friendship, business or spiritual connection.
The personal year is often the inspiration yet sometimes the challenge, so may be a time of dealing with hard lessons with a boss, family or new relationship.
To learn more about what your personal year is, check in here.
My calculation 03/27 plus the current year of 2019 was 24 and after dividing it, it was the sixty year. Please what those it mean
Hello Oyegbade,
I do not understand your math. if your birthday is March 27, you will calculate 3+2+7+2+0+1+9=24/6. The 6 personal number is all about compassion and love. It is a year of rebirth, but perhaps loss. It is a year of loved ones and compassion. Are you feeling that now? many blessings,