Today I celebrate the transforming life of dancer, teacher and 5 Rhythms creator Gabrielle Roth — numerology style.
It has been 5 Years since the passing of the inspirational motivator Gabrielle Roth. She had a spirit which was all about transformation of the body and soul through movement.
With the inspiration of Gabrielle, I began my journey many years ago of exploring and letting go through dance. I went to my first 5 Rhythms workshop in the early 80s in Esalen. It was beautiful, exciting and so much fun!
Picture this: a magnificent landscape of Big Sur, California was the venue. As we danced to the violin and other instruments, we learned the steps of the 5 rhythms of life. My friend and I came in from New York and danced for 5 days straight. The experience totally transformed my life.
Today, October 22 2017, I received an email from Robert, Gabrielle’s husband:
5 Years…
Gabrielle passed away in 2012.
2 + 1 + 2 = 5 (of course)
It was on 10/22.
1 + 2 + 2 = 5 (of course)
It happened at 7:25 PM.
7 + 2 + 5 = 14. 1 + 4 = 5 (of course)”Today is the 5th anniversary of that heart-wrenching event. Instead of giving you my thoughts, I thought we could turn to someone much more gifted and talented — Tim Booth, the lead singer, composer and lyricist of the band JAMES. Tim has blessed Gabrielle and me with his affection, respect and generosity over the years. His song, “Moving On”, will move you in and on. Read more here.
Gabrielle Roth Numerology and the Number 5
As a numerologist, It is so interesting that Robert mentioned the number 5. Five, in numerology is all about change, all about the fire inside of us and all about dance and movement and being out there on stage and connecting with others. Now that I think of it, The 5 rhythms is the energy of 5. How profound that he talked about this at this time of change on our planet. I am sure Gabrielle moved him to mention it today.
Here is a numerology post, back in 2013, honoring Gabrielle Roth as a vibrant and powerful vortex of compassion and energy.
Celebrating the life of Gabrielle Roth of Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythms is celebrating transformation in each of us. Thank you Gabrielle for your wisdom and your vision to take us out of our minds and into our bodies.
We miss you yet your 5 rhythms teachings have spread throughout the world and you are in our hearts forever. With great love and gratitude,
Other posts that may interest you:
- The energy of 5
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- More about October numerology
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