photograph from Wikimedia
Your month, day and year of birth adds up to eleven. This means you have an 11 destiny or life purpose, which is considered a master number according to numerology. Master numbers (double digits of the same number) have a powerful effect on your life journey.
The double one vibration is all about inspiration, the dynamic leader and inspirer. Your brilliant ideas can have a powerful effect on the world.
To find out more on how to find you life purpose, click here.
How does the 11 Destiny See the World?
Your unique approach and mind can result in changing the world in some way through your ideas and your actions. In a less global way, your vision can inspire those you connect with in career, social and spiritual paths. The other part of the 11 is it reduces to 2. The two is the vibration of connecting with another. So 11/2 is mastery in inspiration, innovative ideas and connecting with others.

Photograph from Wikimedia
Occupations of 11 destiny numbers are the politician, the ambassador, the inventor, the lawyer and the entrepreneur. Perfect examples are US leader and first black president, Barack Obama (born 8/4/1961) and first lady Michelle (born 1/17/1964). Both have had at profound effect on our country by inspiring its people in a new way of thinking and living. Read more about the 11.
Check out the poised, funny and brilliant Michelle Obama on an interview with Stephen Colbert.
Of course not everyone lives up to their master numbers, it is a very intense vibration and with that it holds a lot of responsibility. For those of you that do not want all the attention, you can inspire your friends and family or in career. The challenge is to breathe and allow your being to relate to others with a level of balance and equality. Embrace humility and altruism and be willing to convert fantasy into action.
• Full one hour or 90 minute reading to learn more about yourself and your challenges in life through the details of your name, destiny and karmic numbers.
90 minute reading includes charts, detailed analysis, skype session and recording, plus intention work. Click here to schedule your 90 minute session.
60 minute reading includes charts and skype session (analysis is not as detailed) Click here to schedule your 60 minute session.

If you would like a quick intro to numerology as well as a way to meditate with numbers, check out my Numerology Journey Inspiration meditation cards. Each card has a message, mantra and painting inspired by a specific number.
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Numerology Destiny or life purpose calculator Click here.
Thank You Very Much!!!You Are The Best!!!
Thank you Carmen!
Am glad to know my number
It is very powerful to have an 11 destiny. Your ideas can make an impact on people as they are inspiring. How has it been so far?
d.o.b= 04/09/1978
WE have started new business ,we want a unique name of our business
Fantastic Pankaj,
I see you have an 11 destiny. This is the destiny of a powerful and inspirational leader. I would be happy to get you started on finding a successful business name to fit your powerful name and your goals in your business, As you can imagine, it takes much to find a perfect business name, including delving into your business, clients, values and ideas for where you want to go.
Here is a link to schedule a business name reading. https://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/find-a-creative-business-name/
Much success to you! Greer
Thank you this was really helpful
Just believe miracle can happen
Hope all of you have good day
Love you all❤️
Thank you! many blessings, Greer
Which career should I choose if I have destiny number 11
Hello Omkar, interesting question. I wish I had a crystal ball to give you a satisfactory answer 🙂 What I can say is that having an 11 destiny can give you the ability to be a powerful and insightful leader in whatever you want to do. You could be a politician, Bill Clinton/Barack Obama, an entertainer – Madonna/Queen Latifa, or even a designer – Coco Channel/Vera Wang. The main essence of the 11 is to take their ideas and inspire. Look for what you are interested in and what you love and do no be afraid of success or judgment. If you are interested, a numerology reading might help you find your talents and challenges. Many blessings to you! Greer
I was intrigued, but would caution on who you use as examples. Taking political examples might not be the best. I am totally now turned off.
I know what you mean Andi, I do try to steer away from politics at all times. My choice of politicians for the master number 11 is interesting as you have to enjoy being out there in the world. To be a president you need a strong ego, which the double ones have. I think Michelle is a better example as she uses her mind and inspirational vibe to help children and inspire people to be healthy. But also, to your interest, we have two leaders in celebrity stardom: Madonna 8/16/1958 and Queen Latifa 3/18/1970
Thank You!
wonderful insights into 11. i am in my 11 year this year. really helps to be clear for the rest of 2013. great, you are so brilliant!
Thanks for the compliment. So you are in an 11 year. Next year will be a 3.. lots of creativity and self expression for you!
Hi Sister Goddess! I just love your website. It is so easy and engaging to explore. Love to you!
Leanne xo
And you inspirational being. No surprise here that you are an 11.