How do I get rid of mental worry regarding my career? Ah great question. Perhaps by looking at your destiny numerologically, you can find what really brings you a more peaceful life.
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The Power of Nine — Transition
What happens in the nine year? The power of nine is a time of transformation, completion and transition. 9 in numerology is the spiritual warrior
How Can I Find My Life Purpose Through Numerology?
How can I find my life purpose through numerology? To uncover more depth to the meaning of your destiny, simply add all the numbers in your birthdate.
I Keep Seeing the Same Number
Do you keep seeing the same number everywhere? What does that mean? If you see the same number on your clock, a license plate, pay attention to what you were thinking at the time. It might be an important message.
How Do I Find My Personal Year?
Here is how you figure out your own personal number. It is the sum of your birthday month + your birth day + the current year. For example, if you were born: April 1, you would add 4+1+2+0+1+3 = 11/2 (remember if the numbers add up to a master number (11/22/33) do not reduce – they have a powerful vibration for you!).