What does October have in store for you? In numerology, we look at the 10th month as new beginnings (1) and the time of zero (0), reaching into the unknown.
Testimonials for Greer Jonas, Numerologist
It has been such an honor and inspiration to connect with all of you through my numerology readings and classes. Each of you have taught me something about myself and spirit. Greer Jonas, Numerologist
Can You Use Numbers in Business Names?
Are you planning a business and wondering what name to use? Wondering if you can use numbers in your business name? Here are suggestions via numerology.
Barbara Walters, Numerology Celebrity for September
Barbara Walters, numerology celebrity for September shows a clear example of the transformative 9 meaning. Nine is seeing the full picture of everything. And isn’t this true in her every interview
What happens in the 18-9 personal year?
I discovered that I am in a 18-9 personal year. What does that mean? Will this be a hard year for me? It might be a roller-coaster ride, but the year will be transformational, for sure.