Donald Trump 45th President. A November to remember. What does this mean for all of us? It is certainly a time of upheaval and dealing with the shadow.
Does Your Name Affect Your Success in Life? Numerology Focus on Martha Stewart
Does your name affect your success in whatever you choose to do in life? Should I change my name? Numerology case study – Martha Stewart
October and Number 10 is a Time of Reaching into the Unknown
What does October and the number 10 mean for us according to numerology? It is a time of new beginnings and potential. Reaching into the unknown and letting go.
What if Bernie Sanders was Still on the Ballot? Numerology View
Bernie Sanders President? A mute point, but still a fascinating study. This Bernie Sanders numerology profile shows his appeal & challenges as a politician. Jill Sanders and Ted Cruz are also discussed.
9 9 9 A Day of Transformation
September has three auspicious 9 days according to numerology. September 9, 18 and 27. On this nine day of the ninth month of a nine year (2+0+1+6=9) you will surely enjoy a boost of transformation and change. Are you feeling it?