Were you born in March? Read about other March celebrity numerology peeps and how this month can be a time of sharing your creative voice.
Love and Inspiration Numerology Style
A look at love and attraction from a new perspective – the love and inspiration number. A deeper look into who you are attracted to and who is attracted to you.
Chinese New Year 2017, Fire Rooster Numerology
Happy Chinese New Year 2017 – It is an auspicious year and wake up call according to Fire Rooster Numerology and Chinese astrology.
2017 Numerology Focus – The Global Year of ONE – New Beginnings
2017 Numerology speaks of the “One” Year (2+0+1+7) as a time of new beginnings. How will this “One” year of 2017 numerology affect you personally?
Are You in the Winter Solstice of Your life?
The shortest day and longest night – December 21 is Winter Solstice 2016 – a day of spiritual contemplation and connection. What does Numerology say about this day and about 2017?