Do your numbers show how compatible you are in your relationship? Yes, you can discover how to best support and encourage each other with a simple formula from your birthday numbers.
Numerology 2022: The Primal Gift of the Number 2
In numerology – 2 describes the vibration of relationships and love. How about the relationship with yourself? Let’s discuss.
2022 Numerology Watch – What Will Happen
2022 numerology shows three twos. A time of relationships and connection with others. How will you deal with all those twos in your life?
NumeroChakracology -Numerology and the Chakras
Introducing NumeroChakracology – the connection of numerology and the chakras. Find out how number stimulates the 7 life force channels of the body.
Today is 11-11 A Powerful Portal to a New Beginning
Today is 11-11 (November 11th). What does that mean in your life? 11 is the master number of divine inspiration and leadership– It is a Portal and a good time to reach out for a new vision. What will your wish?