What do your address numbers mean according to numerology?

The numbers of your address have a significant effect on the atmosphere of your apartment or house. Your life may be very lucrative or you may be feeling down. It is can be more than having light in your apartment. It can be the mood set by your address numbers. My previous post will explain more. Below are the descriptions of what your address numbers mean.
Remember to add all the numbers together first. If you live in an apartment building, the number of your apartment is the most important. Also important, if you live in a number that has duplicates (or triplicates) of the same number, they are considered master numbers and have a powerful effect. For example, 11/22/33/44/55 or 333/444/555.
Use the definitions below to show the numerological effect of your apartment. I may have done its job in moving forward in your life, or made you complacent. It may be time to move, or a time to freshen up your surroundings so you have even more abundance and love. As an example the famous 77 sunset strip – a tv show
A Brief Description of Each Number and How it Influences Your Life.
1 — A home of living in the now – intellectually taking action. Challenge: Feeling consumed with having to be in the spotlight all the time. It can be inspiring but also tiring. Suggestion: Allow yourself to breathe and enjoy life.
2 — The energy of the two is all about relationships. It can be one of the comforting and loving relationships with your partner and family. The challenge: Discord in the family dynamic. Suggestion: Connect with your partners and family members with love and sharing.
3 — Here, we have a home of creative expression – using your creative voice and not being afraid to be heard. The challenge of the 3 would be in self-expression. Perhaps you feel insecure or afraid to share your true self. Suggestion: Paint, write, or gather with family members and do a creative project together.
4 — Four is the environment of the builder and the home. It is a place of organization and beauty in a very precise way. The challenge is to run your house with too many rules, or you may feel stuck in a rut. Suggestion: Open up to doing one frivolous thing a day.
5 — Five is the home of charisma, a very active and social atmosphere. It is the energy of the fire and change. Challenge: having too much to do. It can get exhausting. Suggestion – allow yourself to slow down without so much to do, take a walk in nature with no stimulus from others.
6 — The 6 home is often warm and comfortable with a feeling of safety. Challenge: obsessing about pleasing everyone or becoming a couch potato. Suggestion: Take time to do things for yourself and try to let go of worry and caretaking. Find things to stimulate your mind and life.
7 — Seven is the spiritual number, a number of being intrigued by the unknown. Here is a home where its’ inhabitance can feel unique and not afraid of what others think. It often has a look of the non-conformist, like interesting colors and objects. Challenge: feeling left out, not accepted, hard to get things done. Suggestion: be open to accepting yourself exactly the way you are.
8 — Eight can be a charismatic home for all its inhabitance. It is all about success and creation. It could for a great place for business. Challenge: The energy can be too demanding. Suggestion: create an atmosphere that works. Set up your desk near a well-lit window, and keep your kitchen organized. Entertain sometimes but have some alone time as well.
9 — The nine is all about transformation, completion, and change. Often times, the 9 home is one of learning about yourself and your family. Challenge: Let go of analyzing every little thing that you are about to do. It can be very tiresome. Suggestion: Chill. Stop thinking and do something fun, like dancing or skiing.
How does your address affect you? If you are looking for more information, such as if you have a master number in your address, or are interested in a numerology reading about your name and birthday see the options here.
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