When looking at someone’s birth name, married or changed name as well as nicknames, we can discover many aspects of a person’s alter ego.
The system is based on the numbers 1-9. Each letter of the alphabet has a numerical value. For example, as you can see by the chart below, A, J and S share the number value of ‘one’. The energy of “one” is everything that comes to your mind when you think of that number: new beginnings, independence, resourcefulness and the ego. So when someone has a lot of 1’s in their chart, they have an aspect of the independent thinker, assertiveness and leadership.
This website contains a variety of blogs detailing how numerology affects you, as well as how the numbers of well-known celebrities and businesses lead to their success.
Numerology Readings
A numerology reading might be the answer.
Find out more about my numerology readings here.
Check out this interview with numerologist, Greer Jonas
“Wow!!! Through your numerology knowledge, awarenesses, wisdom and command of it all, you help connect people to the infinite possibilities of who they are. Once again, my numerology session with you left me clear and inspired. Shine on Greer!!!” —Stacey Sherman, Chief Inspiration Officer of Spark to Flame
“I just finished the intention meditation and drawing from our numerology reading last month. I’m feeling more positive and I’ve been learning a new way to keep going in this journey. As I started to meditate and do the affirmation we did together, my back pain is going away little by little. Thank you again for everything. ” — Mel
Why do I keep seeing my birthday numbers 4:10 (I was born on April tenth) in the time?
Ah Lee, here is the message: 4 is grounded and the earth, and the builder. 1 is the leader. add together and it is a 5 — all about change. Perhaps it is a time to connect and take action but not in a flimsy way, take your time and concentrate on grounding and building, not acting too fast. The energy of 5 is fire.. so you love change and action and connection with people. But do not get too caught up in what they think.. What inspires you is connecting with others.
by the way, you are in an 8 year which is all about success or what is in the way of finding success.. Check out this link: https://numerology4yoursoul.com/find-your-personal-year-number-in-numerology/
Hi, I was born on 6 December, and I see 612 and 126, but 612 is what I see almost every day, or as time 6:12, or any other number. Also my dad, who passed away, was born on 27 March, and I see very often 327 as well.
What that means please? Thank you in advance. Regards
Hello Milena,
Lots of questions Milea, I cannot answer all of them unless you schedule an appointment. But let’s take 612, since you were also born December 6.
The 12 adds to a 3 (creativity and self expression) the 6 is all about compassion and service. In addition, adding the sum of 612, it adds to a 9 which is all about transformation and change. So perhaps it is time that you connected to your heart and also to your creative expression. Follow your passion, what makes your happy and inspired? What can you do differently that could potentially change your life?
Perhaps this time, especially with the passing of your dad ( I am so sorry for your loss), perhaps he would want you to be happy and inspired with your life.
I would be happy to assist you in discovering more about your self with a reading.
Here is the link.
Many blessings to you.
Hello Greer I continue to see 818 my birthday, on my phone or clock, night and day
So your birthday is 818 — which adds to another 8 (17) +1=8. the 1 is all about leadership. The 8 is about power and success. When you see your numbers many times, day and night, it might be a message for you to acknowledge your power and not be afraid to shine your light! Another interesting article you may enjoy is https://numerology4yoursoul.com/i-see-my-birthday-numbers-everywhere-what-does-it-mean/
Hi Greer, I keep seeing my birthday (602) on clocks and other random places, in passing on TV for example. A couple nights ago, I also saw my full first name on a license plate and said in my dream, “aww man now I can’t personalize my car plate”… but also thought… how odd it was to see my name spelling on anything (Michaelle). Last night I sent my last text at 602 and when I awoke this morning to check the time, it was 602. What is going on?
Hi Michaelle, Lets take a look.
6 all about the heart, community, love, family
0 stepping into the unknown,what is not seen
2 all about relationships, with self and others.
So It seems clear that the message deals with people and perhaps you are in a place of making a decision in your life and not sure where to go? The messages are friendly and offer support if you are ready to take a new step. Let me knowhow it goes:) many blessings, Greer
Cheers, Greer
I see 24 number in my dream many many times
Ah, I love dream symbolism. Interesting that you see 24.
Let’s break it down. Two is all about relationships of all kinds as well as fairness and truth. Four is the builder and very practical. 2+4 = 6. Six is all about Love and compassion and family.
So very connected, the dream might be a message for you about connection to another. This could be romantic, familial or even business. Building a relationship in some way. It might be about a relationship you already have or a family issue. Is there something going on right now? Dream time is a time of working on subconscious issues. Can you relate to this? Hope it helps:) Many blessings, Greer
What happens with when I have two words in my business name? Is it written in two words or one? perhaps it can be written all together into one word.
I searched for the second one in another website and said that it summed 2 and it was unfavorable. But a previous post somewhere in your website I read 11/2 is great.
Can you help me? Thank you!
Yes Kirin, when a business name has two or three words, you add all the numbers together and that is the expression number of the name. Once you add all the numbers together, you reduce to the final single digit. There is an exception: when the 2 digit sum adds to a master (this is when two numbers are the same… 11/22/33 etc.) When the sum adds to a master number, it is very powerful, because it is double the power of the number. So if your final sum is an 11 (which could start with 38, 47, etc) it is considered an 11/2. This is all about divine inspiration – all about power and leadership. lf you are in a business dealing with innovative ideas and leadership, then 11 is an excellent choice.
Of course, to make sure this name is a fit for you, it is good to examine your business and personal goals as well as the type of client you are trying to attract. The most perfect numerological name does not fit every business or every person. You need to be in the equation and the name has to make sense. A made up name with lots of letters that calculate to a specific number will not necessarily be successful for you. When I work with clients, we take a look at your type of business, your goals and personal values as well as the client you want to reach. Understanding your destiny number will also help you see what you need to have to help you support your success. I can work with you on a better understanding of this, if you are interested. much success! Greer
Hi Greer,
I came across your website researching why I might keep seeing the numbers 10:03. These specific numbers have no connection to me other than my birthday is 1/31 maybe? Nonetheless, I’ve been seeing them for as long as I remember every time I look at the time – AM or PM. I am not a very stressed person, I am very easy going, I don’t get upset, never (fortunately) been through anything incredibly painful or lost anyone close to me. Any thoughts on what this might mean? Thank you!
Sorry for the delay in my reply. These questions occur multiple times in the day, especially when it comes to seeing the same number. If you would like to delve further into your question about seeing 10:03. I can give you a simple mini email answer in this link below. https://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/numerology-answers-by-email/
hi greer
have heard a lot about you
plz suggest agood name for my new business
my date of birth is 14 nov 1985
i want to start with ethnic clothes
Hi Jaya, this is not an easy feat. When I work with people on successful names, it takes a lot of brainstorming, looking at your goals, values, and client. You want to brand your name so that everyone remembers it ans wants to work with you. Thus, it is important to feel at one with the name as well as your client remembering it. Not as simple as putting some letters together to form a number. I would say, in general the clothing business would work well as a 4 or an 8 or even a three. Check in here to schedule a session with me. I look forward to it! many blessings and success, Greer.http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/find-a-creative-business-name/
Hey Mate,
Am looking to register a new business name and going to partner that business with my wife.
Could you please which number (totaling the new business name) would suit both of us.
My DOB is 4th May, 1982 and my wife’s is 5th Nov, 1985.
Appreciate your help for the same please.
Hello Varun, It looks like you already have the name? If so, I can help you with a simple one answer business reading. Here is the link. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/one-answer-business/ Many successful blessings to you!
I chance upon your website. Since 1998 after a bad car accident, I always see 2 set of numbers: –
122 – when I see this number bad things will happen
221 – when I see this number good things will happen
Regardless how I ignore the number, the surprising thing is that this number will always find its way to appear before me and give me a hint.
Can you help me to understand why please?
Fascinating question. If you would like to read more about seeing the same number all the time, check in here. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/your-i-keep-seeing-the-same-number-journal/
so seeing 1 and two 2s.. might be 1 — take the lead, take charge of your life. and double 2s .. dealing with relationship. Add together it is a 5.. take action, connect with others.
When you see these numbers it might be the universe telling you that take the lead in your life and do not be afraid to get support and connect with others. I think it is also telling you to breathe. Do not be afraid, when you see these numbers, find strength from within. You are not alone. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in a more in depth reading of your numbers. Many blessings, Greer
I keep seeing the numbers 1017. Can you please help me understand this?
Hi Garrett, thanks for your question. 1017 is all about leadership (1) potential (0) and spirituality (7). So seeing this number can be a message to take the lead and also connect to your inner desires.. Kind of both sides.. inner and outer. Does that make sense to you? If you are interested in a more in depth analysis of your numbers, I would be happy to give you a reading. Here are some options. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/numerology-answers-by-email/ short numerology answers by email.
http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/numerology-readings/ Complete 90 minute numerology
Hi, my best friend recently passed away on 10/29. That is also my mothers birthday as well as my PIN number. Does this mean anything? An old street address is also 1029 as well as part of an email account.
Thank you!
HI McKayla, Thanks for your question. When we say the same numbers, they are often messages for us to understand. 1 (leadership) 0 (potential) 2 (relationship) and 9 (transformation). When you see these numbers perhaps it is a message for you to pay attention to this moment, that it might be important in your connection with others and your life. Perhaps looking at what your friend meant to you. How she helped you grow. How the lesson of your connection with each other had an impact on your life. If you are interested in going further in depth with your numbers, I would be happy to give you a reading. Here are some options. Many blessings, Greer http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/numerology-answers-by-email/ (short answers) http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/numerology-readings/ (90 minute reading)
Pls suggest or help as from almost last 6 months I’m continuously seeing
1219, 0612, 421,441 on mobile, laptops, number plate etc.
Hello Greer: Please tell me why I see no.14 all the time. It’s like every time I turn around, I see this number on clocks, watches, microwaves, stoves, calendars, etc. It really feels like SOMEONE is making me look at that number on purpose.
Hi Angel. Seeing the same numbers all the time is very common. It is often a message from your guides or your subconscious to pay attention to something.
When I see the same number, which is often when I am on the phone with a friend, I kind of laugh.. and say.. wow. I instantly know that what we were just talking about had an important relevance to my life.
Let’s break down 14. 1 – leadership and new beginnings/4 – grounding and building. Sum: 1+4=5. Five is all about change and energy and being out there in the world with people. So in essence, seeing 14 can be a message from your guides saying, it is time to take a stand, to build something new, or establish yourself in a new way. Can you relate?
It might be helpful to start your own “seeing the same number journal” to get some insight into what it means for you. You might be interested in this post: http://numerology4yoursoul.com/your-i-keep-seeing-the-same-number-journal/ to get more insight into seeing the same number all the time. Many blessings, Greer
Good morning my birthdate is 26th august 1990
Can you tell me which business suits me?
Hello Roby, I cannot answer this question in a simple way. Your destiny (8+2+5+1+9+9+0) is an 8, which is all about the abundant and powerful, charismatic and successful leader. So if you find what you love, you can do very well. But the lessons along the way (fear of being out there, fear of being powerful, being too much in your ego,) need to be confronted for you to succeed. You might find the destiny numerology calculator helpful. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/what-is-your-destiny/
There are so many aspects to look at, including your name, a simple answer cannot be provided. If you are interested in a reading to delve into business name ideas, you can find it on this link. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/find-a-creative-business-name/
many blessings and success:) Greer
Can you tell me about my Birth date? 11/18/1988 and Time 11:30 am. Gidian-India
Hi Gidian, check out my destiny calculator here. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/what-is-your-destiny/. If you would like to receive a personal mini reading talking about your destiny and personal year, I would be happy to assist. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/numerology-answers-by-email/ many blessings,Greer
Hi there! I have stumbled across this website while searching for some answers regarding my favourite number.
23 is my favourite number. I was born on the 23rd of August, and have always taken notice when I see 23 anywhere. I have had quite a drastic change in my life in recent weeks. I have also been seeing the number 23 EVERYWHERE for the past few weeks. My phone battery has also been temperamental the past few days not charging and somehow keeps getting stuck on 23%. It has been way too obvious for me to ignore, and I did not even consider that it may be related to the recent changes in my life.
Can you give me any guidance on why I may be seeing 23 everywhere and what it may mean for me?
Thank you
Hi Greer, I have been perusing your site for days now seeking help with choosing a business name. I have been coming up with enough business names to satisfy about 100 people but I still haven’t really had that “a-ha” moment! This is a handmade jewelry business made with high quality materials (sterling wire, components and gemstones). Maybe I’m trying too hard to encompass all the elements of my work that are so important to me.
Hello Karen, I am glad you are enjoying my site. It seems like a very creative venture. I already have many visuals of your jewelry in my head:) Finding a perfect business name is a tall order. Perhaps you would be interested in one a reading with me. See the link on this page to set up an appointment. Many blessings and success:) Greer
Hi Greer,
I recently experienced the loss of a semi-relationship. I have been thinking about it the last two or three days. Not obsessing, just trying to analyse signs from the universe telling me how to move forward with that person as we are still on great terms. Today while I was on a bus, I decided that I would observe the numbers I see while in thought about the situation because they would be some sort of guide from the universe. The numbers I saw were 750 and 79. What do you think this could mean?
Hello Ann, I know the feeling.. that bus ride, or a walk down a familiar bloc,.. and suddenly the ole face appears in our heads.. Anyway, the answer can be a bit more than what I am writing here, but just looking at some of the numbers (and Valentine’s day coming up….) I can reflect on some of the meaning. What I see is double 7s.. Seven is all about reflection.. connecting from within, looking for truth and your own spirit to find answers. The first 7 has a 5 and a 0.. Perfect. The 5 is all about connection in a social way, charisma, charm and sexuality. The zero is all about potential. So perhaps the message that is coming to you is to reflect on your life and see how you are now with people and with stepping out there. Also the 9 is reflection and seeing the bigger picture.. So it might be a message to step slowly out again, or to reach out to yourself and move on with your life in all ways. Of course the message is based on you, so it might have another meaning to you. Feel free to get more information on your life with a numerology reading from me. See link below for more info. many blessings, Greer
Hi Greer,
I keep seeing the number 17. It has always been my favorite number but the past two days i have seen it more than 20 times. It is also the day i was born on feb, 17. my aunt has this day of birth, my sister was married on the 17, and so was i. wondering what is going on with the number right now. I believe that numbers connect people and i wanted your insight on the situation.
HI Amanda, seeing 17 is so interesting. 1 – leadership and 7 spiritual connection. So Moving forward in a unique way. What does that mean to you? Add it together and you get and 8. Success and power. It sound like you are attracted to that which is beyond the norm. If you follow your authentic self, you will succeed.. Also letting go of what others think. Feel free to connect further if you would like a numerology reading with me. Many blessings for a powerful 2016! Greer
Hi Greer,
I have been seeing my birthday 516 (May 16), and it is going stronger than ever. Please let me know what does this mean.
Thank you in advance.
Hi Isabelle, how interesting.. May 16. 5+1+6 is the inspiration of 3! All about creative expression. Having your voice be heard. When you see this birthday number, it is asking you: Are you speaking your truth, do you need to be clearer? Are you opening to the creative energy that is in your soul? When you embrace this voice inside, you will find much joy. Perhaps this is the time to do it! Let go of all judgments especially your own:) You can get a lot more information and work with me on intentions to expand to your brilliance this year with a session from me. Check out the info on this page for a reading. Many blessings for an amazing and transformative 2016. Greer
Hi Greer, I’m seeing 13, my lucky number over, and over, and over again. It’s been going on for two weeks now. Any ideas?
HI Stef, many have seen 13 as a lucky number (dispelling the myth of the bad luck 13). See http://numerology4yoursoul.com/number-13-unlucky/ for more about this. To me, 13 is a powerful number. 1 = new beginnings/3 = creative self expression/sum equals 4 (building and creating something into form) So seeing this number all the time can be a signal for you that a new project is about to unfold. To look at the signs and begin. Perhaps a push not to procrastinate. And not to dwell on fear of unknown.. Can you relate? Perhaps you are interested in a reading to find out more about yourself or how the numbers affect you. Feel free to contact greer@numerology4yoursoul for more information or see the links on this page for my readings.
many blessings, Greer
Hi, I was born on october 3rd and my mom was born on march 10th. Always in my life I see or have seen 3:10 or 10:03 repeatedly. What does it mean please! I love you posts! Thanks!
Ah 10 3… 10 is new beginnings and potential.. Born in October is such a refreshing month to be born. Kind of like Fall in New York. New beginning, colorful and ready for something new. It is a fresh outlook on life. Do you feel this way? And 3 is creativity and self expression. So seeing your birthnumbers would be like seeing a new beginning dealing with your expression. So very interesting! Also this year of 2016 everyone gets to experience their inspiration numbers (month + day of birth) What inspires you? Check out my post http://numerology4yoursoul.com/2016-personal-year-in-numerology/ for more. Many blessings for a very productive year.. the personal year of the 4.
I have been seeing 43, for awhile it went away, but now it is back and stronger than ever. I have seen it 10 times in two days, was wondering if this meant anything.
Hi Joshua, 10 times a day. .. so interesting.. what does 43 mean to you? does it trigger any memory? Usually when you see the same number it is a wake up call to pay attention. to what is happening in your life. Is something going on that you need to attend to? Or it might be saying .. this is an important moment, pay attention to it. Good time to journal. See this link for more about that.
Let’s break it down.
4 = earth and the home and grounding and building something
3 = creativity, self expression in some unique creative way.
Total = 7 .. spirituality, going within to find your answers.
So when you see this number it is saying.. (4) take a stand, be grounded, start working on a project, take action, do not procrastinate/(3) be creative in what you are about to do. Is there something you need to say to someone you are not saying? /(7) Connect inside to self to find your answers. Perhaps a good time to meditate.
Thanks for your interest. If I can ever be of further assistance, perhaps you would be interested in a full 1 hour or 90 minute reading where we will explore more about connecting to your true life’s purpose, challenges and talents, including strategies of how to work through creative blocks. Here is a link to my readings. Many blessings, Greer
Hi – glad I found your site!
For the past few years, I see 1029 everywhere. The number, the time, the date etc.
1029 is also my birthday (10/29/1976). In addition I have had many synchronicities in my life. I’ve been told that those mean that the Divine is trying to tell me something. After seeing your site, I plan to start a journal (great idea). What does the 1029 mean, also being it’s my birthday. Thank you so much! Blessed be.
Hi Melissa,
Great question. I would like to also show you how to find your personal year, http://numerology4yoursoul.com/find-your-personal-year-number/
You are in a one year.. which is new beginnings for you. Can you relate?
So 1029. Lets break it down. 1(new beginnings) + 0 (potential) +2 (relationships) + 9 (transformation) = 12/3, (all about creative expression and communication of all types. So in essence, the universe is continually giving you signs that you are on the right track. Pay attention to your ideas and how you are connecting with others. What you are doing is about transformation. Do you often think.. what is the meaning of life? This number is saying.. yes pay attention to this moment. The three is all about creative expression.. so how are you communicating lately? Is there someone you need to have a conversation with? Tell your truth at all times. And be creative. Make sense?
Being your birthday number, is awesome as you have an 8 destiny.. all about power and being out in the world to empower others.. When you see this number, it is important and might have something to do with your path in life.. so journaling would be an awesome thing to do.
Here is more on finding your destiny. Hope this helps. If you ever want to do a reading with me, I would be happy to work with you. let me know! Blessings to you as well. Greer
I was born December 21st 1996 at 2:11pm and i seem to keep looking at the clock at either 12:21 or 2:21 and Just the other week I was hospitalized for a serious reason that I had to be in the ICU and i remember this one moment i looked at some weird tub they had in the hallway and it had the number 21 on it. I keep seeing these sequence of numbers 12 21 211 122 can you explain what all of this means?
HI Tania, Wow Tiffany, what an interesting story. Sorry for the delay and hope you are feeling better. I will post this on my website, changing your name of course.
so lets take a look at this message.
You keep seeing 12/21/ 122 — basically the 1 and the 2s.. and the combo of 12 or 21
1 is the leader and new beginnings/2 is all about relationships
1+2 = 3 all about creativity and self expression.
born 12 21
=1+2+2+1=6 (all about community, friends, loved ones, family, matters of the heart)
So what the message is to me is to connect closely to your family and loved ones, find and give support. It is very important to you. You may take the lead in your life in many ways, but important to come back to true, honest communication and not withdraw from love or giving love. Does this make sense to you?
When you were in the ICU, perhaps it was also saying “send love to yourself and you are never alone”.
Hope this helps. Sorry for the delay in answering this.. perhaps you need the answer right at this moment. Many blessings, Greer
Also, if you are ever interested in a personal reading, I do a special 1 hour or 90 minute reading reflecting how your name and birthday can tell you more about your strength, challenges and life purpose. Here is more about that. Many blessings, Greer http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/numerology-readings/
I keep seeing this 12:11 number everywhere, be it my smartphone, digital watch anything.Its recurrence has not bated.
please explain. Eagerly waiting for your reply
Thanks for your interest in my website. It is definitely fun when we see the same numbers everywhere. 12:11 is interesting. That is not your birthday is it?
So the 12 is all about new beginnings (1) and connection with others (2) Added together is three which is all about creative expression. I would say 12 is also completion.. like the last month of the year, a dozen, inches in a foot, etc. 11 is a master number all about divine inspiration and brilliant ideas.
add the whole number together 1+2+1+1 = 5. All about dynamic energy with people and travel. Very cool.
Put this together and when you see this, definitely pay attention.. It is the universe telling you to stop. Take a look around and what is going on in your life. Take a look around at your surroundings, words that are spoken to you, even signs on the wall, on the bus stop, etc… You will get clues on what to do next. Kind of like a road sign and all about new beginnings and completion. Dealing with people and ideas.. does that make sense to you? Would love to hear some of your experiences when you see this number.. Definitely start a 12:11 Journal..
Hi, I always see number 41 everywhere.. Could you help interpret the same please. thanks
Ah 41 is a very interesting number. 4 (home and the builder) + 1(new beginnings) = 5 all about freedom and connecting with people in a gregarious, lively and sometimes sexual way.
What is happening in your life? Is your life about freedom or are there many relationship coming up? Or is there something you are building that needs attention. Or is there much change in your life.. Or all of the above?
Seeing 41 would be about seeing the path of adventure. how is it for you?
Hi please explain why I see 282 all the time thank you alison
HI Ali, very interesting. Lets break down the 282
2 is all about connection with another in relationship of some kind, be it romantic, business, social. It is also about balance and the relationship with yourself and relationship with things.
8 is about power and abundance in your life, be it connecting with the power inside of you or feeling the burden of not having power in your life.
So having two 2s and an eight, might be a message to pay attention to your relationships in your life, to the balance in your life and to claiming your power. It is always good to journal about when you see this number. What were you thinking and doing at the time? what is on your mind? It is a great source to find the answers to some of your most important issues that you are dealing with. Kind of like getting a 911 call from the universe.
Hope this helps, please send me questions or comments.
Also, if you are interested in a complete numerology reading about you, working with your name and birthdate, we can go into depth about your strengths and challenges, life purpose, karmic numbers, etc.
My readings are 90 minutes. Contact me here for more information
all the best and keep in touch.