2019 Forms the Sacred Triangle. How? 2+0+1+9= 12/3. Very different from 2018 — the divine inspirational master 11 . 2+0+1+8=11/2
2019 is 1+2 =3 — holding all the sides of connection: 1 (Soul and beginning) 2 (relationships and balance) and 3 (the whole, the group – all possibilities)
The Sacred Triangle – the Three

2019 adds to a 12/3
All three elements are included.
- The one – the soul, the self, the beginning.
- The two – Relationships, duality, balance, connection.
- Three is the first number that is about a group, the whole, variety, seeing all sides.
The 3 has a start, a middle and an end. Three is about movement and looking at all possibilities. It is the first number of “completion” and the first number of “all”.
Every point connects to the other.
~ It is the Water/Earth/Sky
~ Birth/Life/Death
~ Past/Present/Future
~ Mother/Father/Child
The three is no longer egocentric or selective. It needs to look in all directions. Here is the beginning of communication. Not just thinking of self, or “another” but all options. It is the beginning of creativity and color and taking action. To share your unique expression with others, not just self and partner.
This is a strong diversion from the very heady 2018, where we were moved to seek a bigger purpose to everything and stand for what we believed in (ie politics). Some of our minds exploded with watching the news. 2019 promises a different vibration. Perhaps softer, more physical. In 2019, you can drop from the mind and take action and be creative and even have fun! Here is your time to spread your wings and fly. To take risks. To not just think one-sided, but to look at a variety of sides to a situation.
Some of us may have a hard time in the beginning as we have to move more into our bodies as we share our creative voice. Let that not stop you from experiencing a new form of freedom.. You just need to let go. And remember to breathe! Read more about the numerological effect of the Global 12/3 of 2019.
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