Ask Greer: I see this number a lot: 14/5. I heard it has something to do with karma! What does it mean for me?
Greer: Well, in fact, today (January 23, 2024) is a 14/5 day!!! 1+2+3+2+0+2+4 = 14/5
The sum of 14/5 is an auspicious number that is considered in many modalities, especially Chinese Numerology, as a ‘karmic debt‘ number. One belief is that in a past life you may have infringed on the freedom of someone else or had lost it during that lifetime.
Looking at 14/5 in the present now, let’s see what lessons we can learn. What does freedom mean to you? Are you feeling repressed in some way in your life? Outside factors such as political, socioeconomic, and upbringing can have a major influence. And of course, we are here to make a difference toward change in our world. And with that, we need to be conscious of our attitude and actions towards others.
But, what about inwardly? Despite all blocks, we have the right to not only exist but flourish.
Examine your ever-present and sometimes obsessive mind. Here judgments and fears have a huge effect on our vision of freedom. Do you judge others? Do you feel like people are judging you? Are you pointing your finger at yourself, like you are never enough? Are you stuck in the mud with no chance to ‘free’ yourself? Perhaps, you are your own prisoner.
Here is a daily affirmation I try to live: “I love myself. I am free to enjoy my life, and be the creative person I want to be. I open myself to experience challenges and have fun accomplishing them. I embrace change and aliveness”
There is a fine balance of order and chaos. To reach out to all possibilities in our lives with the permission to fly rather than to be careful and retreat with fear is one side of the balancing seesaw. The other side is to understand that if we jump with complete abandon without understanding the rules, we may fall. What is important in this karmic lesson is to be proud of your wings but remember the importance of having a nest.
Breaking down the numbers of 14/5 according to Numerology
1 = Independence and Leadership; Fearless. 4 = Grounding; the Builder and Organizer, (the nest) . Sum is 5 = Change; Energy, Effervescence, Creative Action, and Aliveness, (the wings).
In essence 14/5 is: Come forward with strength and pride (1). Understand that building takes time and order (4) = energy and freedom (5).
Consider: how do you look at freedom?
“In Freedom, no one owes anyone anything” —Christine Delorey
Here is more about the lesson of 14/5 from numerologist Christine Delorey. “One of the most important lessons that 14/5 has to teach is, in freedom, no one owes anyone anything. Only by taking responsibility for ourselves can we ever loosen the grip that this slowly collapsing industrial system has on us. 14/5 encourages us to support and sustain ourselves in ways that are true to one’s spirit. The 14/5 karmic vibration teaches us how to deal with the unfamiliar – and with the shock that often accompanies sudden change and unforeseen events – without losing our compassion. We must regain our sense of adventure because fear of the unknown is preventing us from making the changes we need to.”
Find Out More With a Personal Numerology Reading
During the reading, we will go over how to best work
with each of your expression numbers.
In addition, we will delve deeply into more aspects of your name and birthday, This will include your Karmic and life purpose lessons.
Or, are you thinking about changing your name? A Name Change reading or business name reading may be just for you.
Click here to find the variety of numerology readings that I offer.
Other topics you might enjoy:
- What do the numbers mean?
- What if I had a 14/5 in my address?
- More about karmic numbers
- Find your personal year
- Find your Destiny
Want to learn more about yourself through numerology? Get a numerology reading!
Thank you Greer!!!
You are so welcome.