Winter Solstice 2016.
As the shortest day and the longest night arrives (December 21), the sun is at its lowest point in the sky. Some of us feel the urge to hibernate, wrap our face with a scarf to hide the cold wind and hide. It can however be a magical time for contemplation and spiritual reconnection. In numerology, Winter Solstice 2016 is a day about relationship.

3 ones – the “I”
3 twos – the “We”
add together: 1+2+2+1+2+1+6 =15/6
6 is all about compassion and the heart.
How perfect is the Winter Solstice 2016 in this wild ride of Election circumstance? It is hard to hide from it all. We could, on this day and the days moving forward, connect to our supportive loved ones and our spiritual selves to find and share our truths. You can do this, through your own practice, be it meditation, chanting, drumming, yoga, singing, dancing or creating art.
With 2016 (the year of transformation) ending in a couple of weeks, we are all moving into the global year of the 1. The year of new beginnings. I say “new” because as we see it.. in all aspects of our lives, it will be a beginning that has never happened before. We are all challenged to deal with our shadow and our brilliance. How are we going to make a difference? How are we going to unite to strengthen our beliefs and our vision?
Specifically for all of us, we have a personal year theme which is based on the month plus the day plus the current year.
Find your personal year. The personal year is the theme of the year which is specific to you. To calculate, Add the month and day of your birth to the current year (2017).
So if you were born April 1. Add birth month (4) to birth day (1) to current year (2017)
like this: 4+1+2+0+1+7=15/6 You are in a 6 personal year.
REMEMBER: if your personal year adds to a master number 11/22/33, do not reduce.
So if your birthday is April 1, your personal year is a 6. The six year theme is about love, compassion, family, friends, community. So in the global year of “one”, how will you take the lead in communication in all your relationships including the relationship with yourself? Will you let go of being a people pleaser?
Here are brief descriptions of the theme you will find in your 2017 personal year. Examine how you can embrace your life lessons every day with fearlessness and adventure? Once you have calculated your personal year, check out the definitions below and discover what you will encounter this year.
1 – Year of new beginnings and innovative ideas. You might attract a new job or a vibrant relationship. Challenge: fear of taking the next step.
2 – Connecting in relationships of all forms – romantic, business, social and self. Challenge: caring too much what others think.
3 – Year of creativity and self-expression in every form – art, music, speaking, writing. Challenge: fear of sharing your voice.
4 – Year of the builder, the organizer, a great time to get something done. Challenge: feeling bogged down by all the work you are doing or feeling overwhelmed.
5 – Year of fun, increased social life, travel, and energy. Being out there in the world with people. Challenge: feeling a loss of freedom, overwhelm, or too much on your plate.
6 – Year of all matters of the heart. Dealing with family, loved ones, community, relationships. This could be a time of marriage, birth or rebirth. Challenge: experiencing loss, feeling overburdened or taking on too much responsibility.
7 – Year of spirituality and connection with inner self, year of unique thoughts and actions. Challenge: feeling unsociable, withdrawn, fear of speaking your truth.
8 – Year of abundance, leadership and manifestation. A great time to achieve your dreams. Challenge: Being too self-consumed. Feeling over-burdened. Instead of being the leader, feeling oppressed, victim.
9 – Year of transformation, transition and completion. A time to examine your life and see what new path to take. Challenge: Will you see the lessons of what you have been putting up with and decide to change the direction of your life?
11/2 – Master year of inspired ideas and actions. These ideas can influence and inspire others and may deal with your relationships (2). Don’t leave yourself out of the equation! Challenge: Having many dreams but not acting on them.
22/4 – Year of mastery in relationships (2) and building (4). This is a time to connect with others in a profound way and make a difference. A great time to achieve a project with others. Challenge: Taking on a project without asking for help. Taking it all on and caretaking others
Want to know more about your personal year for 2017? Click here.
Find out about you through a numerology reading. Take a look at the year moving forward, also about your challenges and your brilliance and what inspires you in life. To book an appointment or find out more, click here.
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