With a 3 destiny number, or life purpose, you have been placed on this planet to express yourself in some way creatively. You are the musician, artist, singer, writer and motivational speaker. Your true joy is when you are creating, whether you are painting a landscape, writing poetry, singing the blues or playing the piano.
It is your path to follow your dream and be expressive in some way. It might take place in a different mode than you might imagine, like cooking or designing a website. So do not debunk your unique gift.
The Challenge of the 3 Destiny Number
The challenge of the three is self-judgment and caring too much about what others think. Let it go! Reach for the stars with a crayon or a photograph. Enjoy the moment when you are singing in the shower with only you to hear it. Most of us have experienced the critical teachers, or society’s opinion of good and bad art, good and bad writing.
Perhaps your hardest critic is you. The work is to tap into the joy of creation and do it because you are passionate about it. An art teacher once said to me, you know you are in the zone when you are humming.
Judy Garland had a 3 Destiny Number
Her voice was like an angel. Judy Garland, born Frances Ethel Gumm on June 10, 1922 had a 3 destiny. 6+1+0+1+9+2+2 = 21/ 2+1=3. Her acting and singing career began to flourish as a young 16 year old in the Wizard of Oz who touched the heart of the world with her portrayal of Dorothy and her haunting song “Somewhere Over the Rainbow“.
To find out more on how to find you life purpose, click here.
• Do you have one short question about your numbers? I will be happy to answer them through email or 20 minutes online.
Full one hour or 90 minute reading to learn more about yourself and your challenges in life through the details of your name, destiny and karmic numbers.
~ 90 minute reading includes charts, detailed analysis, online session and recording, plus intention work. Click here to schedule your 90 minute session.
~ 60 minute reading includes chart and online session This analysis is not as detailed as the 90 minute session, and is often a yearly follow up reading. Click here to schedule your 60 minute session.
for some reason the first two times i typed my birth date into the calculator it came back that i was an 11 but kept trying, confused, the third time got a 3. i was born march 13, 1958. maybe 3rd time a charm? i am a 3 right? and i have been basically ‘mute’ for my 64 years so a shadow 3, thinking my art, voice, talent, self, insights, not good enough, worth expressing. ugh. eek. … an all time favorite song somewhere over the rainbow, judy garland a 3. thank you for all this illumination.
I am not sure why you got 11, perhaps you missed a number. This is how you do it.. all the numbers separately, starting with the month like so: March 13, 1958 would be 3+1+3+1+9+5+8 = 30 which reduces to a 3 destiny. Yes three is the creative.. and I know what you mean as I too am a 3 destiny. Sometimes I get very shy, and it took me 20+ years to show my art and create my website filled with my writings. It is not too late Julia! Share your creative voice, (be it through art, music, writing, cooking, designing your home.) Do you sing as well? Let go of self – judgement!!! Say to yourself, “I am a brilliant creative and I have fun when connecting with it, I share my art with those who appreciate my talents.” Even if it is just with your friends and family. You know you are in the zone when your heart sings. Many blessings, Greer
My dob is 23 july 1998 so really wanted to tell you that my number is also 3 but I am not good any of these thing which you have mentioned,my interest is in acting which seems impossible to me.I had interest in singing, but now it’s all about listening to it.
Hello Himani,
The three destiny is all about creative expression in every form. Your interest in acting is very creative! It is all about sharing your voice to the world. Actress Audrey Hepburn had a 3. Do not let your insecurity dim your love of sharing your art. Enjoy yourself. And that goes for singing as well! Sing everywhere, in the shower, down the street. Many blessings, Greer
Dear Greer,
I really enjoyed this. It was a true match of my personality. Although creative, I cannot hold a job for a long time, I need to move on quickly. My birthdate 1/11/1971
Hi Mary, well what is specially interesting, is that when you add the birth month to day of birth, that is called your inspiration number. what inspires you in your life purpose. That is also a 3 for you!!! 1+1+1=3! So you are a double 3!!! What inspires you in your life path is creativity, self expression in a unique way.. be it art, music, writing, speaking. You are inspired when you are creative. So my question is, are you doing the work that feeds your passion? This work could be anything, but you have to be inspired, otherwise you will not be interested. This might be why you do not hold a job for long. Seek out something that feels creative and brings you joy. Hope this helps.
my date of birth 12/24/1974. I started a business in 2011 but it has gone bankrupt.
Can you please suggest a change in name or a good name for a design company
Hello Bobby, with a 3 destiny, you are very creative. A design company would be great for you. I would be happy to help. Here is a link to my business reading service. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/find-a-creative-business-name/
This is so much like me!
Great. I love the 3. It is my destiny as well:)
cheers to all of the above!
I really appreciate your writing about life purpose path 3, especially the part about our challenge being self judgement and not caring so much a bout what others think. A lot of what was said in the comments resonates with me as well. Things I know I can take away from this post are: 1. tap into the joy of creation 2. Am I expressing my truth? I know I can make myself happy following these. I am so unhappy in my job right now, and I am going to start tuning into what I used to love, namely dancing and writing, to bring me back to myself.
Thanks for your comment Jane. As you follow your passion.. dancing and writing everyday, you will rekindle the joy that is in you. I know that is true for me (a fellow 3:)
Hi Greer,
I am also a 3 (10/28/81), and this hit the nail on the head for me. I am a born performer and experience severe frustration if I don’t have a platform to perform or if I feel I am not being heard/understood. An irrational fear of judgment from myself and others holds me back tremendously from reaching for my desires. Any suggestions to overcome this?
Ah, as I say to myself. Breath breath breath. Connect to source and the love of your practice. I do this when I paint. I put on music and connect to my love of colors and paint. When I am in the way, sometimes I take a walk or stop painting for the day. But I also know that the saboteur will make me stop painting for many days so I really try to wake up the next day and paint with a fresh view.. hope this helps. g
Dear Greer,
For some reason I’ve always had an affinity towards the number 3 and now I have some reasoning behind it. I’ve always been creative. My earliest childhood memories are that of simply being mesmerized by my drawings in a coloring book. I remember having an erector set and Lincoln logs that I spent hours with, creating this and that. At 9 I was taught to sew by my mom & crochet by my grandmother. I fell in love with creating in general. I was my happiest when using my hands to create, whether it was simply cooking or some kind of art (even those tacky velvet paint-by-numbers kits or pictures made from tiles & sand).
Now that I look back on my life, I realize that whenever I felt stagnant, I wasn’t creating. Now that I’m no longer in the business world, I’ve taken up a new and very rewarding craft – making beaded jewelry. Though most of what I start out making is by just following a pattern, I find I improvise more & more to make my creations uniquely mine.
Hi Karen, How wonderful. I am your sister in 3 destiny!!! Creativity is what makes my heart sing. As a painter, writer and numerologist, I know I am in my zone when I am smiling internally. Thanks for your contact. Happy creating! many blessings, Greer
Hello Madam, my name is Dan. Can you tell me my future? I have a 3 destiny.
HI Dan, Well I cannot tell you the future. Actually there are many variations that one goes through based on your environmental, psychological and genetic makeup. How you experience your world and what you do with it is up to you and where your spirit and heart leads you. Why twins birthed minutes from each other still have different journeys and ways they look at their challenges and talents.
Saying this, lets look at the theme of the 3 destiny. Three is all about creative expression in every way, be it art, music, writing, thinking, speaking. How you see the world is unique and creative. Is your journey today a creative one? In what way? Often times the 3 personality can be frustrated if they are not meeting their life purpose. So the challenge of the three is communication.. am I expressing my truth or am I letting others tell me what to do? Am I reaching out to explore what makes me happy and what I am passionate with? For example, are you writing, painting, singing? You will be the happiest when you explore your expression. Hope this helps. Keep me posted! many blessings, Greer
I can’t wait till I have the money to hear what you have to say about me. I’m exactly a 3 in Life Path. But my destiny? 19/1 I think. I’ve just learned yet ANOTHER way through the tarot and it’s amazing how many ways there are to figure something. And how many interpretations there are. Light and Love, Melaney
Hi Melaney,
I would like to clear up something before replying. Some numerologists call the “destiny” number the total number from the sum of all the letters in your name. And the life path number is the total number of your birthdate added together. I call both “life path” and the “destiny” numbers the sum of the birthdate. Either way, when we add the birthdate together the meaning is what you have come here for in this world. In my version of numerology, I call the total sum of the letters in your name your “expression number”. This number represents how you express yourself.
So with this in mind, can I assume that your birthdate adds up to 3? And that the letters of your name adds up to 19/1? If so, wonderful. My birthday also adds up to a 3. This is the number of creativity. It is self-expression in every way. Be it art, music, singing, dancing or speaking, you are here in this world to express yourself creatively and the more you do it the happier you are.
If I can also assume that the letters of your name add up to 19/1. Then your expression is a 1. You express yourself as a leader, with vibrant ideas. You are a no nonsense, take charge person and have the ability to inspire other. Does this ring true? Thanks for your interest in my site. Greer
I would love to hear your tarot interpretation. Feel free to comment here!