What is the power of number 7? I bought a book yesterday with the triple digit seven and I was just reading the receipt and there are a number of coincidences with the number. 7s keeps popping up in my world*. What does it mean? — Aminah
Great question, Aminah. Especially as I post this on July 7 (7/7)! Seven is the number of spirituality, of connecting inside to find your answers. It is a connection to nature and the inner beauty of the spirit and the universe. Seeing triple sevens would be a call for you to pay attention. Perhaps you are going through a transition in your life, perhaps like a search for self?
Connect to the Power of Number 7
Seven is a vibration that is often misunderstood, perhaps feeling like a lone wolf that does not belong (read more about this). Could this be true in your life today? Seven is connecting to your divine spirit, to breath with it and find your own unique presence. It is all about trust. Trusting in self and being open to see the truth about others. This is the power of number 7. By connecting to your own wisdom, you can find your answers.
I truly believe everyone has choice. You can choose to worry about a situation or you can find the challenges and the lessons and kind of shift gears. Yoga, meditation, creating art, listening to music, walks in nature are all meditative and rejuvenating activities to enrich the 7 vibration.
India’s astro-numerologist Suniiel Naik discusses the power of number 7, using the illustration of the “Cricket team captain, Mahendra Singh Dhoni, lovingly called MSD. MSD was born on July 7, 1981 and considers ‘7’ as his lucky number and often signs his deals on 7th of any month.” Read More.
Triple 7’s add to 21/3. Three is all about creativity. To me, seeing these same numbers* continually is a call to action. Are you an artist? Is there something creative that is coming in through your work? The brilliance of seven is in your soul, like the spark of inner knowing. It is the sensation you have after doing a yoga practice outside on the beach. Or looking at a beautiful painting or a sunset. Do you know what I mean?
Perhaps for you, painting, writing a poem or dancing today can excite your spirit. Creativity comes in many forms, art, music, dancing, writing and speaking, what is calling to you today?
Can you relate? On this day 7/7 (and any day) what will you do that is unique and enriches your life? *Read more about seeing the “same number everywhere“.
Touche. Solid arguments. Keep up the amazing spirit.