February 14 is almost here, and as Hallmark would want us to promote, it is the time of love.

All in fun, let’s take a look at the Valentine’s Day Numerology twist of 2016. It is actually more of a spiritual day of connection than a day of roses.
First off, numerologists will describe 2016 as the global year of transformation. Every day of this year can be considered a new day with a different outlook that can change your life. Read more about 2016.
What does February 14, Valentine’s Day mean in numerology?
1+6 = 7 (Seven is the number of spirituality)
So in 2016, Valentine’s Day actually describes a time of spiritual love! What does that mean you ask?
Seven in numerology is the number of spirituality, the energy of truth and seeking the meaning of the unknown with great intrigue. Seven is the non-conformist and the inward thinker.
So on this 7 day, you can tap into your heart and your soul in every relationship in your life. It is NOT about candy, unless you feel a passionate connection to sweets that brings you joy. It can be about flowers, if you feel a loving inward connection to nature and to the beautiful and magnificent miracle of growth from the earth.
How can you take this enlightened point of view on this day of February 14, and for that matter, every day? You can really appreciate your children, your friends, your partner and YES yourself. You can feel gratitude and unconditional love for each and every person in your life. How have they helped you grow? What lessons have you taught each other?
You can take this further with your pets, your home, and your environment. How will you fill your heart with gratitude and acknowledge the abundance in your life?
What can you do on Valentine’s day that will enlighten your spirit and that of someone else?
Ok, the fun part. The unique difference of the 7 energy on Valentine’s Day is it is not about being flamboyant. It is about honoring your own authentic self. It is not about gifting so that you will get a kiss in return. It is about an offering of light for no other agenda than sharing yourself.
How will you celebrate? Share this day with a loved one or yourself. Go out and paint! Take a walk in nature! Go dancing! Climb a tree! Do something different, with love in your heart and adventure in your step. Love and appreciate your self and those around you.
Enjoy! much love, Greer
Other Topics Your Might Enjoy
- More on Valentine’s Day
- Johnny Depp and Marilyn Monroe are 7s
- More about 7
- What is your personal year in 2016?
- See my post in February’s Natural Awakening’s Magazine
Classes and Lectures in February
• February 25, Thursday (6:30-9:00) Numerology workshop on 2016 and creating inspiring intentions at The Lotus Wellness Center, Greenwich, Connecticut (read more about registering here.
• February 13, Saturday (1:00-2:00 PM) Free lecture on numerology and your personal year in 2016 at Foodworks in Guilford, CT. Check it out on their facebook page.
Want to know your destiny or life purpose number? Click here.
This is a wonderful, thank you!
My name is Diane and I would like to know if I will meet a true mate soon?
Thank you for your time and best wishes in your learning process.
Hi Diane, thanks for your interest. Although I cannot predict the future, nor do I care to do so. Here is a great personal year calculator where you can find out what your personal year is. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/find-your-personal-year-number-in-numerology/ . Remember 2016 is the year of transformation, so you can look at what you would like to change in your life to have that new “mate” come in. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/2016-new-year-resolution-numerology-style/ many blessings, Greer