What is the Shadow of Six?

In a normal year, I would be talking about June, the 6 month — the number of love and compassion and community. The month for weddings.
Well, in a unique way, yes this is true. During this unusual time of the pandemic and the tragic killing of George Floyd, we are reminded of a deep need for each other, to love ourselves and our right to be heard and respected. Even if it is just thanking the barista who is serving you coffee with their mask and gloves on, we can do service in some way, .
We are being challenged to make a change in the way we live our lives — to shift from isolation to being present in our world. In contrast to being overwhelmed with fear, we can choose to connect with others — even if it is through zoom or marching in a demonstration.
The Shadow of Six
Presently, we seem to be living in the shadow of the “6” vibration. The pandemic shutdown caused tension to build. The killing of George Floyd, with a knee to his throat was the boiling point. And as he shouts, “I cannot breathe”, we all feel it.
In numerology, the shadow of six is the duality of the heartfelt energy — a feeling of rejection, loneliness, isolation, and that no one understands what we are going through. Living in fear, anger, frustration, and anxiety becomes the new normal.

What has occurred in the violence, frustration, and looting is one aspect of the shadow of the six. Rage, violence, domestic abuse, despair, disrespect of property and one’s own community have occurred. The black society has had enough, with much justification. Support from every race and nationality is witnessed in the news and social media. Many are striving to show alliance and compassion.
Something must change, as we witness the attitude and prejudice that is prevalent in this country. All of us have been called to action, to say “Enough” to those who commit hate crimes without a conscience.
The Karmic Lesson of the 6
Yes, we are living in the shadow of the six, but the shadow is perhaps the most important aspect of a number. It is the karmic lesson. When we apply this lesson, we can shift what is holding us down from the true expression of the heart and compassion for each other. In the midst of a pandemic where everyone is feeling the lack of security, finances, and freedom, comes the tragic killing of George Floyd.
His cries of “I can’t breathe” fill everyone’s heart with rage. And then the shift. No more compliance. No more allowing or looking the other way. Now with (hopefully) masks on, people from all over the country and world are showing solidarity by demonstrating against racial injustice —Black Lives Matter! We can only hope that discord does not result in more violence and more disrespect. Change must happen. In addition, we are witnessing a peaceful alliance in the police system, as many are showing compassion and support to the marchers. Yet, a major revamping reform needs to take place. A shift has begun as support and respect take the place of being self-absorbed and pinning one side against the other.
It is also a time of slowing down from our busy life and living in spirit and inner peace. We are living in the “Gateway*” of a new world.
How will you move through your Gateway?
*The Gateway” is a painting by Greer Jonas.
Numerology of George Floyd
As the catalyst of this new gateway, let’s take a look at two numerological aspects of George Floyd.
Born: 12/21/1960
Destiny (the sum of the numbers in one’s birthday:
1+2+2+1+1+9+6+0 =22. 22 is a master number about relationships and truth (double 2’s)
Personal year (the theme of the year): Add month and day of birth to the current year.
1+2+2+1+2+0+2+0 = 10/1
George was in a 1 personal year in 2020. The theme of the one is new beginnings, leading others into a new and important perspective of life.
It is too bad it had to happen at the expense of his life.
It all began at the turn of the new decade, 2020. With master twos (relationship and fairness) and master zeros (reaching into the unknown), it was apparent that a shift from that of striving to make money, to an expansion of spiritual growth and open-heartedness would happen. How it unfolded was a surprise to me. Read more about 2020
Destiny of Six
As we learn about the shadow of the 6, let’s take a look its brilliance. Check out this post about three legends who illustrate the true essence of 6 in their destiny numbers. John Lennon, Eleanore Roosevelt, and Stevie Wonder
How will you go through your gateway? Discover more about yourself through a numerology reading.
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