This post and magnificent 9/11 Memorial photo is from photographer and friend, Bert Berat. I first saw the photo printed on canvas on the wall in his home and I was mesmorized and a bit teary. Here are his poignant words.
Bert: September 11, 2001 had a high impact on me, emotionally, cerebrally and spiritually, as it did on most of you, I’m sure. I was in the City that day, saw the fire with my own eyes, remembered the smell of vaporized humanity, vaporized certainty and the disappearance of two icons in my immigrant imagination. I knew one of the firefighters climbing the stairs of tower 2.
The Darwinian struggle can take strange and apocalyptic turns when you add a dash of human hubris and a pinch of plain old fashioned hate and revenge.
The earth’s axis pivoted that day.
On the tenth anniversary I took this picture. The beams of light mean different things to different people, to me, they are the phantom limbs of a world lost. It was a world of misconception and singular thinking and the aftermath has even further obscured the lessons that could have been drawn.
The Image: Due to my contrarian nature, I always wind up looking at the world from the other angle and this photograph is no exception. It took me some time to calculate my vantage point to get this shot and it satisfies my need not to accept the head on view. It was a dark, cloudy night and the beams disappear into their own projection on the low cloud cover.
The mystery of the 9/11 event in human history isn’t solved yet, but so far I have eliminated the head on view. — Bert Berat, photographer. www.bertberatimages.com
As part of the inspirational series for my website, this page is dedicated to you and what inspires you. Please send me your photos, poems and numerology insights here and I will be happy to publish and include your website. [email protected]
Much love, Greer
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