Is March your birthday month?

March is the lovely sound of 3 (three). This is the number of creativity and self expression in every form – art, music, dance, singing, writing and speaking.
Let your voice be heard and do not be afraid or judgmental of self or others. If March is your birthday month, rejoice in sharing your creative self.
March Celebrity Numerology Focus
If you were born in March, there is a good chance you are a creative type. Or at least you enjoy expressing yourself. And sometimes the shadow of 3 reveals its ugly head, as you find yourself insecure or self-conscious to show the world your brilliance. Of course there is the Pisces or Aries influence as well which might affect your personality and emotions. Let’s take a look at some famous celebrities that were born in March from a numerology viewpoint. You can see, from calculating the birthday numbers, how each share their voice and life purpose (or destiny) in a vibrant way.
Destiny: To find your destiny, or life purpose we add the birth month + day + year in a very specific formula.

Queen Latifah. Born 3/18/1970.
3+1+8+1+9+7+0=29. 2+9=11
When two numbers are the same, they are considered master numbers, so you do not reduce. 11 is mastery of inspiring ideas and leadership. Latifah (aka Dana Elaine Owens) continues to reinvent herself as a successful actress, rapper, songwriter, singer and TV star. She is an inspiration and role model to all women. Read more about how she changed her name and how it influenced her.
March Birthday Celebrities, Numerology Style
Here are just a few March birthday celebrities that show their creative expression through their music, art, acting, writing and speaking.
Elton John (3/25/1947); – Destiny 4. This is the number of the builder. Elton uses his profound skills in composing, playing piano and singing to become a most successful musical icon. Read more about how Elton changed his name.
Gloria Steinem (3/25/1934) – Destiny is a 9. How perfect. The nine is the spiritual warrior. For decades she has fought the battle of women’s rights and uses her voice to make a difference in the world.
Lady Gaga (3/28/1986) – Destiny is a 1. One is the leader, fearless in stepping out and succeeding. And no surprise here as Lady Gaga shines out in a crowd with her wild outfits and voice. She has made a unique persona of herself, yet can sing old classic songs with Tony Bennett. Read how Lady Gaga got her name.
Vincent Van Gogh (3/30/1853) – Destiny is a 5. Five is the charismatic and creative personality, full of energy. Vincent was bold and out there in his art. He painted “5” energy with so much movement —with thick brush strokes and bold colors, as illustrated by his famous painting, “Starry Night”.

What is your Destiny?
Use this easy numerology calculator to learn more about your destiny, including the shadow and the celebrity that matches you. Check here to find your destiny.
What is your Personal Year?
One more thing we can look at with your birthday numbers, is the theme of this year specific to you. Simply add your birth month, plus your birthday to the current year.
So if your birthday is March 6, your personal year would be a 1. 3+6+2+0+1+7.=19. 1+9=1
The one year is extremely important. It is all about taking a step into something new. A new beginning for you! Is there a project you are working on or are you conceiving about creating a new business? Find out your personal year here through this handy personal year numerology calculator.
Want to know more about your destiny and how your name has an effect on your life’s journey?
Schedule a numerology reading
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