Ah the sweet breathe of love. Here in the states, many of us celebrate Valentine’s day as a day of sharing our affection. As 2017 is the global year of new beginnings, the “one“, (2+0+1+7=10/1), let’s take a look at attraction from a new perspective using the love and inspiration number based on numerology. As Rumi said, “What you seek is seeking you.”

What excites you and gives you the energy to thrive in life? In numerology, this is called your catalyst number or inspiration number.
Once you feed and nurture what inspires you, you can open up to a new insight into attraction with others. A mutual bond of connection unfolds as you share each other’s passion. This, of course is not just a romantic attraction, but with friends and family. The main goal, above all, is to love self.
“If you wished to be loved, love.” —Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Find Your Love and Inspiration Number
To find your inspiration number (often called your catalyst number), calculate the sum of your birth month and day. It is important to add each number separately using this formula:
If your birthday is 12/8, calculate your inspiration number like this: 1+2+8=11.
When the sum is an identical double digit (like 11), do not reduce. Double digits such as 11 and 22 are considered master numbers and have a very powerful vibration because they are double the value of the number. An “11/2” inspiration number in numerology is mastery in divine leadership and ideas that can change the world. If this is your catalyst number, you thrive on inspiring others. Read below to find out more how it affects your love life.
To begin: Calculate your birth month and birth day (reduce double digit unless the two numbers are the same).
Look at the characteristic of your inspiration number below to find what inspires you, according to numerology, and how people are attracted to you. Understanding your catalyst number and its shadow could also explains what might disappoint you in your life and relationships. Making a divine shift from the shadow and self-judgments into love and acceptance will transform your reality.

What does your love and inspiration number tell you?
Based on your number, read the theme of what inspires you and your mantra.
1 – Your inspiration number is the innovative leader. You love to thrive and are attracted to those people who are not afraid to take chances. Those attracted to you will embrace your uniqueness and leadership. Self-challenge and personal shadow: Fear of taking the next step; being controlling or feeling controlled. Mantra – I am.
2 – Your inspiration number is all about connecting in relationships of all forms – romantic, business, social and self. You thrive on fairness and are very romantic. Those attracted to you will be attracted to all these qualities. Self-challenge and personal shadow: caring too much what others think, being Judgmental, fearful to be out there. Mantra – I love and cherish myself and others.
3 – Your inspiration number is about creativity and self-expression in every form – art, music, speaking, writing. You thrive on sharing your voice. Those attracted to you will be your best fan. Challenge and personal shadow: fear of stepping out and sharing your creative voice, judgment of self and others. Mantra – I share my creative, authentic voice freely and joyfully.

4 – Your inspiration number illustrates your ability to build, organize and get things done. Those attracted to you admire your skills. Challenge and personal shadow: feeling bogged down by all the work you are doing or feeling overwhelmed, being controlling or feeling controlled. Mantra – live Wabi Sabi* – I am perfect in all my imperfections. *Wabi Sabi is a Japanese expression based on the tea ceremony and acceptance.
5 – What inspires you is to enjoy life and people, to be sociable and energetic as a creative being and/or entertainer. A great partnership is one of mutual admiration, physical attraction and enjoying each other’s company. Challenge and personal shadow: feeling a loss of freedom, overwhelm, or too much on your plate, judgment of self and others. Mantra – I am vibrant, creative, energetic, and passionate.
6 – What inspires you is to be compassionate, loving and supportive. Family, loved ones, community, and all matters of the heart are important to you. Your ideal partner shares these values. Challenge and personal shadow: caring what others think more than valuing self, feeling overburdened or taking on too much responsibility, care-taking. Mantra – My heart is warm with self-love and joy.
7 – What inspires you is a deep concept of spirituality and inner knowing. You thrive on the unique, looking into the unknown, and living in integrity. You are the non-conformist. A passionate partnership would be one where the two of you enjoy each other’s unique interests. Challenge and personal shadow: feeling unsociable, withdrawn, or “not like everyone else”. denying truth, not taking action. Mantra – I am unique and fearless!
8 – What inspires you is empowerment. Reaching out to the world as a charismatic leader. Claiming your power. An inspiring partnership would be one where the two of you challenge each other and appreciate your brilliance without judgment or aggression. Challenge and personal shadow: Being too self-consumed. Feeling over-burdened, instead of being the leader, feeling oppressed, or being manipulating and judgmental. Mantra – I embrace the power within me and share it with the world.
9 – What inspires you is transformation, and change, looking at the world and the bigger picture. A thriving partnership is a deep connection to understanding the psyche as you connect to each other’s soul purpose. Challenge and personal shadow: Going back to old patterns that do not work, obsessing over everything. feeling inertia. Mantra – I embody the flow of this moment with courage to change.
11/2 – Master in leadership. What makes you excited in your life is inspiring others in an optimal level. You are attracted to those people who think beyond the norm and thrive to make a difference. When you act to your highest potential, then you are the happiest. When you are there, you will attract others who are inspired by your qualities. Challenge and personal shadow: Having many dreams but not acting on them, manipulating or feeling omnipotent without compassion. Mantra – I am divine inspiration.
22/4 – What inspires you is your ability to relate with others. As you connect in all your relationships (romantic, social and business), you can help others build a new way of being. You seek out fairness, truth and integrity. Ideal partners are attracted to your qualities and aspire to their own unique brilliance. Challenge and personal shadow: not asking for help, care-taking, manipulating or feeling omnipotent without compassion, Not living in integrity. Mantra – I ignite the torch of self-love and compassion.
“Above the cloud with its shadow is the star with its light. Above all things reverence thyself.” —Pythagoras
Please feel free to comment below on what inspires you and what gifts you have to offer your partner:)
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