Learn Numerology in a Lecture by Greer Jonas

As my clients range all around the world, I am offering a simple class to learn numerology in the comfort of your own home. You can download the 72 minute lecture and study the specific materials presented in pdf format for clarification on the topics discussed. Click here to order your numerology lecture and materials.
Understanding the meaning of the numbers in your name and birthday can reveal much about you and your loved ones. This intro to numerology lecture will reveal the true essence of who you are based on your personal numbers.
In this lecture, you will discover the significance of each number and what challenges and lessons they portray for you. Topics included: finding your personal year, life purpose (or destiny) and master numbers.
This lecture with Greer Jonas took place on November 16, 2013 at the Astrology conference in NYC. The group was mostly made up of astrologers, so the numerology lecture took an interesting tone comparing your astrological signs to some of the numbers.
Click here and order your digital lecture today. Also included in the purchase, are four handouts (please print these out so you can follow along with the lecture:
- Basic Numerology Definitions
- Name Chart Template
- Personality and definitions of the numbers
- Barbra Streisand and Martha Stewart name charts
Read more about your personal year and destiny numbers.
You might also be interested in the Numerology Journey Inspiration cards. This set of cards illustrate each number with a beautiful painting, description and mantra to open your heart and mind. The cards will help you learn numerology and become a daily tool to reflect on questions and guidance you might be asking.
Interested in local workshops and classes on numerology?
- What is your Personal Year? – Enjoy an evening of exploring what to expect in 2014.
April 7 2014 – Meta Center, NYC - Intro to Numerology – A full day interactive workshop about numerology and how numbers affect your life. NYC – Date to be determined.
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