“This is driving me nuts. I was told that my karmic debt number is zero. Could this be? Does this mean I have nothing to learn?”
“I’m always wondering or feeling like I’m not doing what I’m supposed to be doing with my life. I really never have a truly restful day off because the whole time, I feel like I should be doing something else. Is this part of it? Will I ever be able to rest? Thanks, Cindy
Ah, Cindy, you describe yourself well. According to numerology, karmic numbers are the specific alpha-numerical numbers missing from your birth name. These are the karmic lessons you have come here to learn in this lifetime. If you have no numbers missing from your name, you have the karmic debt* number zero. Can you rest? Lol! if this describes you, life may often be frustrating. You may feel driven in one place and then, well “Maybe I should be doing something else?”
Karmic Debt

Zero personalities can be multi-faceted but frustrated that they are not doing enough! You need to create a mantra where you remember to breathe and not be hard on yourself. While you are present at the moment doing what you love, enjoy that moment and let go of where else you should be.
*This description is based on the letters of your birthname and is using the Pythagoras Chart only. Other charts, (such as Chaldeon) have a different alpha-numerical formulation. There are also other definitions for karmic debt when referring to 13/4, 14/5 , 16/7 and 19/1. Numerologist, Christine Delorey explains more about these karmic debt numbers..

Think Gandhi. He had a big job — -changing his country! Yet he focused on one thing at a time and had the patience to wait till the moment when it was time for a change. Zero is all about potential and change and you need to find a happy balance. Find one thing you like, that brings you passion. And do that.
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