What does the number 7 mean to you? According to numerology, the 7 is all about a spiritual connection to the world. It is seeking and being inspired by what is not seen by the naked eye. You might ask: What is the inner meaning of my existence? Who am I? What inspires me? What makes a tree stand up straight while another turn its limbs like it is ready to dance?
The energy of the number 7 is the unique non-conformist, who may not want to be seen and might be reluctant to show its true self. But if you nurture that 7 energy within you – that side of you that wants to be different – not to please anyone, but for the sole experience of being, then you will have quite an adventure!
July- the mystical month of the number 7
During this global year of the 1 (2+0+1+7=10/ 1+0=1), all of us are experiencing new beginnings in every aspect of our lives – personally, socially and emotionally. You are all witnessing a new and sometimes challenging political, cultural and environmental atmosphere this year. No one can deny that!!

With these new beginnings, how does the number 7 month of July fit in? Perhaps a time of inner reflection. A time to look at yourself and love yourself. This can be a time to let go of the anxiety that the world is spinning around you and to go within. Discover something new about yourself. You could write a poem, or create a painting or walk in nature and find yourself enlightened while placing your hands on a tree. No seriously, I mean it. Hug a tree and ask it – “What message do you have for me?”
July 7 – the 7 day of the number 7 month – what does it mean?
Today is an auspicious day. 7/7 – the 7th day of the 7th month. 7+7=14. 1+4=5.
The double 7s create a powerful spiritual connection that ignites the 5
— the energy of fire and freedom.
The master 77/5 is like alchemy – transforming spirit into energy.
What is your personal month in July?
Everyone has a unique monthly vibrational energy depending on their birthday. To calculate your personal month number in July:
- Add your birth month to your birth day and then add the current year. (This sum defines your personal year.)
- Next, add that sum to the current month. July = 7.
So if your birthday is April 1, the sum is 4+1+2+0+1+7=15. (do not reduce yet!) Next, add 15+7 = 22. So your personal month for July is a master 22/4. (Note, if the sum adds to a master number like 11 or 22, you do not reduce because it is a powerful vibration in its mastery.) A 22/4 is an extremely powerful monthly energy, because it is all about a divine connection to building relationships.
- Taking it a step further, you can ask yourself how can you spiritually connect to relationships in all aspects of your life. Maybe it is time for a shift in attitude or reaction to people, places and things. Either way, it is a good time to take notice of what is working and what is not.
- Now that you have figured out your vibration for July, you can follow this quick synopsis of your personal month and ask yourself: What can I do now to have a spiritual connection to myself and the world?
Here is the formula again: Add your birth month + birth day + current year + 7 (July is 7th month). Once you have calculated your personal month, find your personal month theme and apply it to a spiritual perspective for July.
Personal month vibrations
1 – A time of rebirth and innovative ideas
2 — Focus on relationships of all kinds – romantic, spiritual, social, business
3 — Creative expression, sharing your voice
4 — You are organized and strong, time to build
5 — Energy and fun, lots of people around
6 — Compassion, sharing your heart with others
7 — Spiritual growth
8 — Charismatic leadership and abundance
9 — A time of transformation in your life
11 — A master month of inspired leadership and ideas
22— A master month about divine relationships that make a difference in your life and others
Personal month theme for any month of the year
To find your personal theme for any month, follow the formula above while changing the specific month’s number. You can read more details on the themes in this post.
“Today’s numerology session was beyond remarkable! I can’t express to you how much you did for me today. How much insight and how much clarity you have provided. Your intuition plus expertise were astonishing to witness. I will keep you posted on my journey with my new name.”
—Guy, Actor
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