Embracing the Power of 8 in You

Ask Greer: I was born on 8-8-80 which leads me to a journey of learning about numerology and astrology. I haven’t really found anything that makes sense to me about the eights except that it represents mastery over the material world through the spiritual. I feel completely stuck in the material world knowing that it is made up, I find it hard to be passionate.
I am bored with myself, knowing that all lies inside but the material world seems a means to all ends. I’ve thought that perhaps with 8 ruling Saturn I will find more to live for as I approach middle age, as things get easier for Saturnian people.—Liz
Greer— Ah such an interesting question!!! Yes, in the mundane world, eight might be seen as a desire for dominance, money and materialism. But it is so much more. In the higher realms, numerologists envision eight to be about abundance in every form. This numerical vibration represents the richness in life, in nature, in all our abilities and possibilities. Re-claiming your own power is your spirit-given gift.
Returning to your authentic being empowers and inspires others as they see their mirror in you.
Eight is Also the Infinity Symbol

The infinity symbol is that which is limitless of space and time. “It is fluid continual motion, to expand beyond all form and have no beginning or end. Love is infinite.” —Auriel Morgana, sound healer
Many spiritual and mathematical studies explore the infinity symbol and the power of 8. “The Figure 8 infinity insignia is interesting, in that it can be turned upright or on its side. It becomes either a number or a sign of numberlessness, a figure 8 or the Infinity sign. Therein lies its mystery, power and absolute significance for your life. The ultimate key to your past, present and future lies in understanding the meaning of this symbol.” See the full text from SpiritualPsychology.net
Who Has a Life Purpose of Eight?

History has shown influential leaders with 8 destinies who have abused their power in their position by pushing others down. But we have also seen the higher purpose of power in such personalities as Nelson Mandela whose life purpose is an 8. Mandela, born 7/18/1918 (7+1+8+1+9+1+8 = 35/3+5 =8) has used his charisma to inspire and lift people up from oppression. See attached link to read about Mandela and Barbra Streisand, both with eight destiny numbers.
Do you have an 8 in your name or see 8’s in your life? Will you embrace your power or shy away? Click here to find your destiny or life purpose.
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Introduction to Numerology Workshops
Want to know more about your numbers and how to do name charts? Comment below to find my class schedule
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HI Jojo, please explain what you mean, there is no 18 month?
It’s the American 7/18/1918 which equates to 18th July 1918 (18/07/1918 as you would understand it).
Thank you Mike! Yes we American use the month/day/year presentation, compared to others who use the day first and then the month number. Thanks for clarifying this! Greer
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