I recently asked students in my numerology class to practice their knowledge by choosing a person who inspires them, and doing their chart and analysis. Below is such an entry – about the late, yet still inspiring, Gabrielle Roth.
Gabrielle Roth, (February 4, 1941- October 22, 2012) was a magnificent dancer, writer and creator of a dance movement called 5 Rhythms, http://www.gabrielleroth.com/. She was one of those beings who was placed on this earth to take people on a journey of life-changing discovery. Her legacy, the 5 Rhythms philosophy and practice, has spread through classes around the world.
“After you jump and before you land is god. “ ~ Gabrielle Roth
Born: 2/4/1941 Her destiny (add month + day + year of birth) is 21/3

Please note here, my comments are in parentheses.
Esther Leiva: I did the numerology on Mama Raven’s (Gabrielle’s nickname) birth and name chart. This iillustrates quite the compassionate, creative, high energy, and connected woman indeed. From the tic tac toe portion (see letter chart above), her karmic number is a “4”. Gabrielle blew this way out of the ball park in this lifetime. What a builder she was!!! (When someone has a karmic number, it means they are missing this number in their name chart. The lesson of this number is what that person has come to this lifetime to learn. Karmic fours would be the lesson of building and the home. Esther’s astute observation was based on the fact that Gabrielle developed a system of movement that not only brought people together but also brought home in one’s body.)
Her soul number (see name chart above) is an 8 – powerful indeed she was. (8 is the energy of power, abundance, leadership and empowerment) She was a woman of great vision and created a unique dance form that was accepted by many around the world. I remember Jonathan (Gabrielle’s son Jonathan Horan) sharing how she would tell him that he could do anything he wanted just as long as he did it BRILLIANTLY!
Her value number (Adding the consonants together represents a person’s values, and what they are attracted to) is a 7. (“Seven” energy is spiritual—reaching inside for your inner wisdom, connecting with spirit from a higher realm, a value that seeks uniqueness in everything and everyone). Gabrielle was compassionate with herself, compassionately feeling guilty about leaving her children, so that she could make her vision a reality. Her vortex supplied her with the right connections to enhance her art form. She had a medium that honored each unique and special individual as they share their energy in a community.
Her expression (Adding the totals of the value number and the soul number represents how a person expresses themselves) is a “6” (the connection to community, family friends and teaching). Gabrielle was someone who was strong, caring and loving. She also believed that the more you moved and were connected with Mother Earth, the more you had the clarity to live out your purpose. The dance form is so dependent upon human sensitivity and emotion how could she not be empathetic to people, revealing whom and where they were at, especially as a teacher.
Her destiny or life purpose (birthdate added up) is a “3” (meaning creative expression of every form). Oh, her purpose was exponentially fulfilled. Over 300 teachers worldwide–sharing the movement to the music in the form of a wave–creativity at its finest.
(Feel free to comment here, or ask questions or requests on other people you would like to know about.)
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