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Please enjoy our newest offering: ASK GREER! Fill out your question below and we will respond. It’s Free!
Thanks! Greer
“Once again thanks very much for your help. I really appreciate it. You are not all about dollars and cents. I hope you receive much more than you give.” —Tina (Singapore)
“I really enjoyed the Numerology workshop on Saturday. I have had some wonderful synchronicities since the class and feel it has opened me to more signs from the universe, so thank you so much.” – Rosemarie
Hello Jae, the seven walks a different drum. They are unique noncomformists and do not always go by the rules, they can be quiet and inward, or mysteriously charming in a really different way than others (Edward Scissor hands etc). Once they find people who are like minded, or just fascinated, they can me very successful.
Some time ago you helped me with my dad. I kept seeing his birthday numbers everywhere. That has settled a bit but since then ,I’ve been seeing my birthday numbers quite frequently 211. What could this mean?
My Name is Raajjhesh
DOB is January 5 1971
Can you please suggest a Fortunate name of Business Online , selling Electronics , Gadgets and Computer accessories
I would be happy to assist Raajjhesh,
Electronics would do well with a 4 or an 8.. but for a complete business reading, click here. https://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/find-a-creative-business-name/
Hello Greer,
I and my boyfriend are thinking for the best and successful name for his new company which will be about HVAC,it’s about heating and cooling company. Thank you and hope to hear from you soon.
Hi Jenny, Coming up with a successful business name is a huge venture which involves examining you vision, audience and marketing strategy. When I work with clients, I come up with charts, ideas and then we brainstorm what fits who you are and what you are looking for in your business. I would be happy to help you. I am currently having a special discount for July. Here is the link. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/find-a-creative-business-name/ Many blessings and success! Greer
my destiny number is 11…what further can i know about my destiny??
HI Diya, Did you check out my numerology destiny calculator? http://numerology4yoursoul.com/what-is-your-destiny/
11 destiny is a destiny of master inspiration and leadership. Are you following your path? You can find out about the 11 destiny through this link. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/destiny-11/
If you are interested in receiving a 90 or 60 minute reading to delve into all your numbers, Please let me know. I would be honored to work with you. Many blessings, Greer