“Don’t gain the world and lose your soul; wisdom is better than silver or gold.” ~ Bob Marley

Bob Marley, (Robert Nesta Marley) was a legend.
Robert Nesta Marley, was born on February 6, 1945 in Jamaica. The singer and songwriter put the sensual music of Reggae into every home and had everyone’s feet dancing to the beat. His songs and voice moved people to stand up for their rights.
According to numerology, You can figure out someone’s life purpose by adding up the numbers in their birthday. Marley’s destiny was a 9.
2+6+1+9+4+5 =27 (2+7 = 9)
Nine is the journey of the spiritual warrior, one who sees the bigger picture and fights for it. Marley inspired others through his words and his music. Just one example of many Marley’s song: “Get Up Stand Up, Stand up for your Rights.” His inspiration number (the sum of the birth month and birth day) is an 8 (2+6=8). The eight an energy of a powerful and successful leader who is not afraid to be out there in the world.
Let’s take a look at the two sides of Bob Marley.
Bob Marley Numerology Chart

His birth name, Robert Nesta Marley, reveals a creative leader (the 3 and the 1) as well as a very strong and organized builder and songwriter (the 4). With these numbers, Marley was not afraid to be out there as a strong leader and inspirer of the oppressed.
Using the name Bob Marley, his “3” in his expression number is less controlling than the “4” and more charming. Marley’s music, to this day is memorable and makes you want to move in a sultry way. His songs of deep love for ‘self’ will live on forever.
Bob Marley sings “Get Up Stand Up”, Enjoy!
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