How do I get rid of mental worry regarding my career? Ah great question. Perhaps by looking at your destiny numerologically, you can find what really brings you a more peaceful life.
Expanding With the Creative Heart
Using the tools of color and music for each chakra, I transcended to my essence, kind of like channeling the chakra inside of me.
Inspiration: A Collection of Paintings by Greer
A collection of 14 paintings by Greer Jonas are on display at the Wine Therapy shop in Nolita, NYC, April 20 – June 2013.
The Power of Nine — Transition
What happens in the nine year? The power of nine is a time of transformation, completion and transition. 9 in numerology is the spiritual warrior
Numerology Focus for May: Time for Fun
May is a five month, time for fun and letting loose. According to numerology the five energy is connecting with passion and aliveness and being social.