Today is Friday the 13.. Is the number 13 unlucky or lucky? Your answer may be based on your belief system and history’s superstitions. This numerologist says neither. Here is why.
November Numerology – Today is 11-1 Master 11
Today is the First day of November ! The Master 11! Add the 1+1+1+2+0+2+4 = 11! 11 is Mastery in Divine Inspiration. What is your vision?
Today is the Powerful Portal of 10/10
Today is the powerful portal of 10-10. What does this mean? Here lies the energy of claiming a new vision that embraces power and self love.
Does Having an ‘8’ Destiny Number Treat Emotions as Weakness?
Does the Destiny number 8 see emotions as a weakness? The number 8 is about power. Only in the shadow of the ego do we judge emotions.
Numerology. Should I Play My Numbers in the Lottery?
I see the same numbers all the time. Should I play my numbers in the Lottery? Seeing the same numbers can be a secret code for you. But do not waste your money on the lottery!