What does love mean to you? February numerology shows the “2” in relationship of all kinds – partners, friends and money.
Ed Sheeran Numerology – February Birthday Celebrity
Celebrating February birthday celebrity Ed Sheeran with from a numerology prospective. It truly describes a creative man who is unique and humble.
2020 Numerology: A New Decade with a Master Effect on You!
Welcome to the third decade of the 21st century. What is the 2020 numerology effect on the lives of all of us? Find out the pivotal change that will take place.
November 11 is a Master Number
November 11 is a double master number – 11 11! How will this day affect you?
Mercury Retrograde Numerology Interview
This Mercury Retrograde numerology and astrology interview for the period of October 31 – November 20 2019 will be most enlightening. Find out more with astrology practioner Maria Luisa Ruiz and numerologist Greer Jonas.