The True Meaning of 666

Let’s revisit the post which appeared on June 6, 2013. We focus today on, June 6, 2022 (also a 6/6/6)
Triple sixes! Six is the number of love, family, and service. It is coming from the heart, not the ego.
Here is the breakdown:
June (the 6 month) 6, 2022 (2+0+2+2=6).
In a numerological view, six represents compassion for others, your community and yourself, the 18/9 (sum of 666) symbolizes transformation. 18 in the Hebrew translation, is “life”. So contrary to some religious beliefs, 666 is not evil or bad luck.
How can a number be bad luck? Numbers are simply energy vibrations and each vibration can move through you in different ways. Depending on where you are in your life, a particular numerical vibration may be more challenging or more fun, but all are lessons and certainly there is no “good” or “bad” energy. Ok, this may be my personal rant as a numerologist and spiritual being, but lets explore the vibration of six.
Feng Shui Perspective
According to Andie SantoPietro, Feng Shui expert/author of Feng Shui & Health: The Anatomy of a Home:

In Feng Shui, 6 is the most powerful of the “yin” numbers and when reversed to its upside down 9, nine is the most powerful of all the “yang” numbers. If you put both of them together on their side, they create the Yin/Yang symbol that we are all familiar with.”
Six is Compassion
Six is the deep connection to the heart. It is compassion for friends, family and community. Six embodies the values of the teacher and counselor. Most important, and often left out, it is connecting to self love. With the vibration of 18/9 (transition and transformation), today can be that time for you to shift your belief system in some way. Perhaps connecting to your own heart and sending love and belief in yourself can be the first step. With this sweet inner connection you can fully share your support and inspiration with others.
The month of June illustrates the affinity to the heart and others. Summer begins in June, a time of gathering with friends, going on vacation with family, getting married or graduating from school. Six can be a time of birth or rebirth, not just with children but with projects and ideas. Of course, we are talking in a new virtual world (because of Covid) so we need to stretch our approach and challenge ourselves to connect in a new way.
What can you do this month to expand your heart’s journey?
How will you reach into the six vibration of compassion this month? What will you birth or rebirth?
Perhaps take a look at how you can give compassion to yourself, rather than being hard and judgmental. Start an affirmations journal honoring each day with encouragement, love, and support as you would for a friend or a client. How else can we inspire and flourish without sending encouragement to ourselves?
Is June your birthday month? Anything up this month that celebrates you or your loved ones? Birthing or rebirthing a project? Please share. We would love to hear from you!
Questions? Comments? Want to know more about numerology and its affect on your life? Check out my readings here.
Other topics of interest:
- What is your personal year? Click this year’s numerology calculator here
- What is your destiny? Click the destiny numerology calculator here.
- Is the number ’13’ an unlucky number?
Adne. I appreciate your well researched view on the 666 subject. It’s amazing how people can selectively isolate a bible v and make up a believe without any research .
Absolutely.. one of my pet peeves.. thanks for replying. Greer
I remember being obsessed by this number after watching the Omen as kid.
Then one day,by the sea,i saw three shells clinging to a rock,with spiral patterns,that looked just like 666; I realized that this “number” can be found in many natural shapes,just like the pentagram can be seen in flowers etc.
Thank you for exciting information.
Thank You for this insight Adne. Yes the numbers are in nature and all about oneness.
666 is the gematria number of the Greek word [εὐπορία] “euporia” or wealth, as well as Hebrew [יתרון] “yithron” advantage, profit, excellency, so it’s a number that represents prosperity. That is either good or evil depending on how you feel about the love of money being the root of all evil, and your definition of “good” and “evil”. 18, the sum of the three digits in “666”, is indeed the number of the Hebrew word [חי] “chay” or life, but it is also the number of [איבה] “eybah”, hatred as well as [חטא] “chata” which means sin. It’s also the number of the word [חוד] “chud”, which means riddle or enigma. So the reality is, if you’re going to drag gematria into figuring this number out from an esoteric perspective, 666 is a mixed bag and it has both “good” and “evil” or constructive and destructive connotations. 666 is not the feel-good number of the year, unless that is what you want it to be for you.
666 also further reduces from 18 to 9, which is the gematria of: [ט] Teth – the Hebrew letter which is a pictograph of a serpent; [בגד] “begad” meaning treachery or deceit; and, [אח] “Ach!” a which is a cry of woe. It also corresponds to [גאה] “gaah”, exaltation, and [הד] “hed”, a shout of joy. Again: there are positive and negative aspects this and every number, in the same way that every human virtue when out-of-balance spirals into one or more vices. Even the number 6, which you have described as a number of compassion, is the number of [בד] “bad” which is Hebrew for “liar” as well as “separation” or loneliness. There is no “true” esoteric meaning of a number, there are only the numbers, and the meanings we impose upon them to suit our beliefs.
Thank you G, for your insight on this very controversial topic. It is a fascinating study of the Hebrew and Greek language and their meaning. Greer
666 was originally “demonized” by the catholic church back centuries ago because of the spiritual power that it carried. By “demonizing” these numbers- the church -via fear- successfully kept the vibrational power of 666 from the general population and masses. The church feared that liberal “access” to it’s powers might eventually challenge the church and its spiritual authority.
The crusade was so successful that even today- centuries later- we hold the negative reaction to those numbers in our collective consciousness.
It is not the Numbers 666 that are evil they represent the triune number of man, that is they see man as absolute in all things, which they are not. We are created [God Breathed] beings, that have the ability to reason, when we loose that ability, we are nothing more than created animals.
your posts are a huge breathe of fresh air each and every day . . . . . I love reading your words and seeing them reflected in life!
Peggy, I agree with you! Greer, this e-newsletter was lovely. Your words, inspiring, uplifting, heartfelt. Keep sharing your passion!