Time to make a Change? Create a 2016 New Year Resolution List through numerology.
If you could let go of all obstacles, what would your 2016 New Year Resolution list show?
The energy of the nine (2+0+1+6=9) is all about transformation. Your life is accelerating at a pace that might not make sense. It can feel like an upheaval of sorts in every aspect of your life— your body, mind and spirit as well as career and relationships.
I know for me, I am experiencing major changes even in the places I have felt secure in.
Upheaval can be an opportunity for you to observe the patterns in your life and how you have approached things in the past. Rather than panicking, this might be an opportunity to take a step in a different direction. Read more about 2016 transformational year here.
Are you ready to create your 2016 New Year Resolution list? But we do this every year, right? And sometimes the intentions work and sometimes they fall with a thud. What can be different about 2016 resolutions is the willingness to let go of your belief system and to embrace the unknown.
A New Approach to your 2016 New Year Resolution Vision
Below are four easy steps to discovering a more empowered vision for your life.
1) Find your personal year. Add the sum of your birthday month and day to the current year (2016).
If you were born April 1 — 4+1+2+0+1+6=14 (1+4=5) your personal year for 2016 is a 5. Continue to reduce the number to a single digit unless the numbers add to 11 or 22. (When two digits are the same, they are called master numbers and you do not reduce them).
Below is a brief word or phrase that symbolizes the brilliance and the lesson of your personal year numbers. You can also look at this post for more about the specific theme of your personal year in 2016.
1: I Am: Stepping Forward Into the Unknown
2: Relationships: Connecting with all relationships with an open heart
3: Creativity: Expressing your voice and creative expression
4: Rock: Expanding past limitations as successful builder
5: Freedom: Embracing Freedom, change and being out there in the world
6: Compassion: Sharing Love and Compassion for self and others
7: OM: Connecting to inner self, spirit and truth
8: Empowerment: Fearlessly embracing your power and abundance
9: Transformation: Seeing the bigger picture and being willing to change
11: Enlightenment: With intuitive guidance connect as the leader and inspirer
22: *Namaste: Opening to your brilliance and building something that has never been built before.
*Namaste translation: I bow to the light within you.
2) Meditate. Before writing your resolution list, sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and breathe in strength, adventure and excitement. With every exhale, release all the worry, all the stress, all the fear. Chant your word and ask for guidance to approach each new day. Let go of all thoughts and Breathe. Open your eyes, massage your face and get out the pen.
3) Create your 2016 resolution list with your word in mind and the guidance you received. For example, you can ask yourself: will taking a certain class you have always wanted to take help you to feel “freedom”. Let go of what was or should be and list actions or things you wish to transform or manifest.
Perhaps your list could be in the form of a vision board, illustrating visually the different changes you would like in every aspect of your life. (You could use cut up images from a magazine or just draw on the vision board.)
4) You might begin a daily journal tuning into your vision and write daily affirmations or insights. (Feel free to be creative with this by taking out your colored pencils and drawing instead of writing.)
Wishing you all a very happy holiday season and New Years.
With much gratitude for this pivotal year for me and amazing new connections with you , my reader, I send you many blessings for a transformational year in 2016 that brings you much joy. With love, Greer
Other helpful tools for this time of transformation:

- 2016 numerology calendar – each page has a colorful painting and numerological theme to work on in this transformational year. This is a can be a special gift to your loved ones or yourself. Click here to order.
- Get a numerology reading to help you discover your inner talents, challenges and growth numbers plus help on your intentions for this transformational 2016 year.
- Special 2 hour class on your personal year and intentions strategy for approaching transformation in 2016, Friday, January 22 in NYC. Register here.
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