Welcome to the Numerology 4 Your Soul Store, introducing my Wings For The Soul / Spirit Guide Cards, Numerology Journey Inspiration oracle cards, greeting cards and quality, fine-art reproduction prints from the original paintings by Greer Jonas.

High quality prints mounted on 11″ x 14″ mats from original paintings by Greer Jonas. Each painting has been created with the essence of nature or spirit and can be used in your meditation room or hung on your wall for inspiration. Check out my latest prints available for purchase.
Latest Inspirational Prints from original paintings by Greer Jonas
Wings For The Soul Spirit Guide Cards

Wings for the Soul is a creation of Spirit Guide cards by Greer Jonas. The intention of these cards is to help reveal the wisdom of the earth and spirit resonating with our deepest core—using images of eleven power animal Spirit Guides from original paintings by Greer. A booklet is included to help you understand the message of each Spirit Guide. Also included is an “inspire” stone and pouch.
“Each day I pull one spirit guide card. I love the fact that there are 11 cards because it creates a feeling of intimacy that allows you to really get to know each card. Thank you for this precious gift!”
—Karin Reetz (sound healer) www.kariomhealing.com
Numerology Journey Oracle Cards
A deck of 15 beautifully painted oracle cards, each representing a different number, an original painting, numerology description, words of insight and enlightening mantra. Includes 24-page instruction booklet.
“I gave my sister a set of your beautiful oracle cards. She is not much of a “believer” in things she can not see. We opened the cards together and “played” with her numbers as per your suggestions in the booklet. It was so great to see her outlook suddenly shift on some issues where she has been so stuck and felt there was no hope. I think the mantras on the cards were especially helpful in opening her thoughts to a new path and confidence“.
Greeting Cards
Greeting Cards collections, all from original paintings by Greer Jonas:
♦ 2019 Collection of 8 cards (4″ x 5″ cards) from my current paintings. Blank inside. $20
♦ Animal Spirit Guide Greeting Cards. Collection of 6 (5″ x 7″ cards), Blank inside. $20
♦ Divine Nature greeting cards Collection of 6 (5″ x 7″ cards) Blank inside. $20
♦ Divine Inspiration greeting cards. Collection of 6 (5″ x 7″ cards) Blank inside $20.

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